- 1
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/bdew/lib/crafting/RecipeMatcher in BloodMagic
#1 opened by miiichael - 5
[Suggestion/Question]: Config Options
#2 opened by Lanse505 - 2
Missing Part Occlusion
#3 opened by AlgorithmX2 - 3
- 0
Suggestion: Disable rendering in config
#5 opened by ChloeDawn - 3
Item rendering performance issue
#6 opened by raoulvdberge - 11
Chisel + SimpleCovers
#8 opened by bubblesayoyo - 1
4.0.9a GhostPart error - no top.same method when crafting covers
#7 opened by bmwalter68 - 4
Covers + ExtraUtils2
#9 opened by bubblesayoyo - 7
Grass turns white when cut up
#10 opened by FnordMan - 1
Deleting manually added covers
#11 opened by bubblesayoyo - 1
Game Crash With Chisel
#12 opened by ChloeDawn - 1
Crash w/ MCMultipart 1.3.0
#13 opened by FnordMan - 1
[Feature Request] Please make your mod compatible with Railcrafts Quarried Stone
#14 opened by jk1895 - 3
Simple Covers Hollow Covers block Mekanism cable connections
#15 opened by Xiaminou - 1
Hollow covers visual glitch?
#16 opened by killerscorpion - 1
Missing blockcrack particles
#17 opened by MarikCZ - 11
Is it possible to add more blocks for Simple Covers?
#18 opened by crosenquist - 4
[1.10.2] Crash with Covers on LAN
#19 opened by MokahTGS - 2
About it NBT tags
#20 opened by Bernie3852 - 0
Covers 1.8.9 integration with my mod
#21 opened by Meibisu - 1
[1.10.2] Mekanism cables and pipes
#22 opened by themechman