- 7
destruction of half-blocks when changing the gamerule
#251 opened by Steve-the-Skunk - 1
Create shingle stairs and slabs incompatibility
#252 opened by Patronelli - 3
Snow accumulation on blocks doesn't occur unless a snow layer was already present or added by player
#249 opened by lazarusgreen - 1
XercaMod incompatibility
#250 opened by Patronelli - 0
[forge/1.19.2/6.1.0] Server Crash - SnowLayerBlockMixin uses client-only Minecraft class
#253 opened by TigerWalts - 1
Crash on start
#257 opened by Redgi110 - 3
Incompatibility with Moonlight Lib
#258 opened by Typhonidite - 1
1.18.2 crash on start
#259 opened by Aceplante - 3
Mod crashes with optifine
#262 opened by realGretix - 3
Twigs Compat
#263 opened by Matthysse - 1
Crash with Rubidium 1.16.5
#264 opened by TheVillain-Inc - 2
Snow not melting
#265 opened by wharris912 - 1
Incompatability with the Roamers mod
#267 opened by marianyp - 1
Allow snow layers to drop below water and melt with time - alternative to turning water into ice
#268 opened by T3sT3ro - 7
Issue with optifine
#269 opened by ahmettcavus - 2
Ice in Twilight Forest's Twilight Glacier biome melts constantly as of 6.4.0 when Serene Seasons is installed
#270 opened by NJL5390 - 1
[Suggestion] Return of snow accumulation blacklist feature
#271 opened by FastBoye127 - 0
[Incompatibility] Project: Vibrant Journeys
#277 opened by KostromDan - 0
Crash when joining world after updating rubidium
#272 opened by KostromDan - 2
Game does not launch past Launcher
#273 opened by Herobattler - 18
Incompatibilities with Rubidium
#274 opened by Jusey1 - 0
[1.18.2] Crash when joining world after updating rubidium
#275 opened by Sythiex - 2
Not compatible with Serene Seasons
#276 opened by TocaDev - 1
Slabs can be broken at constant speed
#279 opened by Aceplante - 3
Shader Issue w/ Rubidium and Oculus
#278 opened by Wimblerrr - 9
Wierd things going on with snow layers near cryosol block from Immersive weathering
#281 opened by slovinsqui - 2
Snow melts in winter [Serene Seasons] [1.18.2]
#280 opened by GrandmaPork - 7
Mod seems incompatible with Fabric Seasons Mod
#282 opened by Cape-City - 2
Incompatibilities with Fabric Seasons differently in pre-2.0 and in 2.0
#285 opened by sisby-folk - 1
Inconsistent crash on snow accumulation
#283 opened by pastellexists - 0
Snow Layers prevent 2x2 tree growth
#284 opened by ffuentesm - 0
[1.19.2] When a snowlogged block is bone mealed, the snowlog state will be removed.
#290 opened by thelegitdolt - 5
Fences invisble in latest update
#287 opened by Aceplante - 3
1.19.2 launcher starting crash "exit code 1"
#288 opened by matzar24h - 2
[Suggestion] Make world gen snow apply to the bottom block only
#289 opened by xJon - 4
Snoglogged blocks anly render overlay when vanilla snow renders on any non-solid layer
#291 opened by Kevadroz - 3
Crash "exit code: -1"
#293 opened by matzar24 - 1
Incompatibility with Immersive Weathering (block cryosol)
#294 opened by matzar24 - 2
Snow under dynamic trees
#292 opened by GrandmaPork - 4
Snow melting light level different than vanilla
#295 opened by Miszelka - 4
Snow on grass and other blocks doesn't melt in spring summer or fall (with Serene Seasons)
#296 opened by LazrProductions - 2
Creatures not spawning in snowy biomes
#297 opened by linkovich2 - 1
Collision issue with cryosol block (Immersive Weathering)
#298 opened by AlonsoCid - 1
Dynamic/Dramatic Tree Integration
#299 opened by Desoroxxx - 2
SnowRealMagic-1.19.2-forge-6.4.4+ and Rubidium-0.6.2-0.6.3ish-2 backport: Crash upon joining world
#300 opened by sdarkwell - 2
Suggestion: Macaw's mods compatibility
#301 opened by Miszelka - 0
Regions Unexplored *Incomplete* Compatibility
#302 opened by wilsoffer - 1
Add the ability to snowlog defined blocks when generating the world.
#306 opened by Jaimarl - 4
All vegetation disappears when snow melts with fabric seasons
#304 opened by FeeeeK - 0
Rubidium 0.7.0a incompat with Snow! Real Magic mod
#305 opened by BugmanBugman