- 3
crash upon loading world
#1765 opened by Rig667 - 2
Sodium Crashes on World Creation/Load (With Extra Mods Installed)
#1757 opened by Gatornator - 3
Empty chunks
#1759 opened by ShamHyper - 2
Game Crashes
#1758 opened by Quocnam201010 - 2
1.19.4 (Fabric) Sodium Crash
#1760 opened by PumpingThunder - 2
Cannot invoke "me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.region.RenderRegion.getStorage(me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.terrain.TerrainRenderPass)" because "region" is null
#1761 opened by fireurza - 5
Room for improvement
#1763 opened by Mercenarioo - 3
Hurt Cam Remover 1.19.2
#1764 opened by Soggyshorts - 7
mobs "glow" underwater
#1752 opened by konnifr - 2
The game crashes when rendering gravity blocks such as sand.
#1753 opened by XiaoLL0323 - 3
Game crashes in combination with physics mod pro
#1754 opened by snappie321 - 6
fabric 1.19.3 sodium crashing when switching dimensions
#1755 opened by snossam - 4
Game looks grainier/more pixelated with sodium than without
#1777 opened by RechercheRaptor - 2
Can't create and join world, mixin errors?
#1778 opened by T3sT3ro - 1
End gateway culling
#1766 opened by muzikbike - 3
Unrendered hole
#1768 opened by 1QMIK - 2
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/caffeinemc/mods/sodium/api/vertex/buffer/VertexBufferWriter
#1769 opened by CucukaYT - 2
option sliders catch mouse clicks to the right of them
#1770 opened by fayer3 - 0
Sodium Breaks the text so bad
#1771 opened by JaaiDead - 1
Compatibility with "Tip the Scales," or GUI scale slider
#1772 opened by jackk225 - 3
when ever i change dimensions my game crashes
#1773 opened by Kariyui - 4
update to #1689, misaligned gui
#1775 opened by Ai-Ya-Ya - 0
I can see through blocks. I can see other chunks.
#1776 opened by SoB0red - 1
I turned off explosion particles in the settings and my game dont open no more
#1793 opened by DxlqXD - 2
crashes when entering the world
#1779 opened by Mohamed-SK - 3
FluidRenderHandler support incompatible with fabrics default, can cause crash
#1780 opened by QuImUfu - 2
[1.19.2] Rendering Error: Crashreport with Sodium and Headed.
#1781 opened by suerion - 3
VertexBufferWriter and VertexBufferDescription classes aren't found
#1783 opened by vanillyn - 1
No screen tilt option like vanilla 1.19.4 has
#1784 opened by 0KBX - 0
rendering error
#1785 opened by salince1 - 9
rendering error 2
#1786 opened by salince1 - 3
Crash on healthbar overflow
#1787 opened by 0xSnowflakeXD - 4
certain smaller entity models render incorrectly
#1788 opened by cometecti - 2
[Enhancement]Remove the Unimplemented method.
#1789 opened by nikam14 - 3
Minecraft Fabric 1.19.4 crashing when i use Physics Mod Pro
#1791 opened by foxiergo - 27
Graphical corruption and memory page faults on Vega 56/64 under Linux
#1792 opened by CodingTwist - 10
Crash when trying to go on a server. (1.19.4)
#1798 opened by ethywith3undercores - 1
Redundant/Incompatible F3 graph and text batching
#1799 opened by RaphiMC - 2
Sodium 0.4.10 for Minecraft 1.19.4 because Class 8251 Not Found Causing the game to crash
#1800 opened by AkarinLiu - 1
1.19.2 Soduim Crash When loading In To Minecraft Server
#1802 opened by Wenzile07 - 1
Breaking blocks glitches out Minecraft and I can see through blocks for a second.
#1801 opened by Ved-151 - 2
Sodium crashes when trying to render the chiseled bookshelf
#1803 opened by Harrietmarie - 0
Some resource packs are broken with Sodium
#1804 opened by Lolothepro - 2
no transparency in CTM resourcepacks for opaque blocks using Indium and Continuity
#1805 opened by RafaUC - 6
1.19.3 Sodium - missing block textures
#1806 opened by NotAShelf - 3
1.20, most recent version is causing my game to crash. Class_2350
#1808 opened by OneWhackMan - 1
Crash When Loading In a Minecraft Server
#1809 opened by Wenzile07 - 1
Opening crafting menu causes crash
#1810 opened by samwhytee - 3
Game crashes on Mojang Studios Loading screen while using sodium
#1811 opened by 7seasking - 2
Minecraft crashes apon loading chunks (local chunkban)
#1812 opened by imide