- 5
Don't hide the skybox in Spectator mode when inside water, lava or powder snow
#2485 opened by muzikbike - 1
Don't apply multiple enchantment glints for items with multiple texture layers
#2486 opened by muzikbike - 3
Fix Z-fighting on enchanted models with coplanar intersecting faces
#2487 opened by muzikbike - 2
Sodium breaks game's particle managment
#2488 opened by frosthuuund - 5
Sodium Causing PermGen Error
#2489 opened by RespawnAnchored - 5
Game Doesnt Not Launch crashes
#2490 opened by EnvixityB02 - 2
Some textures are different between Minecraft Vanilla and Sodium with the "Tooniverse Basic" resource pack.
#2491 opened by Lolothepro - 0
Fix beacon beam rendering inside-out
#2492 opened by muzikbike - 3
Fix weird vanilla shading for rotated model elements
#2493 opened by muzikbike - 1
Sodium Version 1.20.6 falsely states that the graphics card driver is not up to date
#2495 opened by smallworldinMC - 5
Mention Indium in the wiki
#2499 opened by xxdemiigod - 3
Fix flickering player model issue commonly seen when using elytra
#2496 opened by muzikbike - 2
Enhanctment Glint should be rendered using a custom shader rather than with additional geometry
#2497 opened by jellysquid3 - 8
Rework graphics adapter scanning to not use the Windows registry
#2498 opened by jellysquid3 - 2
Backport fixes for fluid rendering
#2500 opened by Lolothepro - 3
I had the game crash when I loaded a save from before I installed the mod.
#2502 opened by legodudelol9a - 1
The Driver of GPU wrong
#2516 opened by jfglzs - 2
Periodic lag spike when idling with entities (i.e. in a village)
#2504 opened by yaysoup - 1
pojavlauncher issue
#2505 opened by KushalGamer10 - 1
When glDebugVerbosity is set to 2, an OpenGL performance warning is in the log file
#2506 opened by Lolothepro - 0
Animated GUI textures with repeated frames can desync/freeze when Only Animate Visible Textures is enabled
#2514 opened by Cart3r1234 - 1
Automatic material downgrading of quads with appropriately simple textures
#2515 opened by douira - 3
Clouds render through terrain while picking up items
#2525 opened by LostLuma - 2
Sodium crash
#2517 opened by AkashGaming54 - 0
Suspected Mods: Sodium (sodium)
#2518 opened by zc1108aaa - 0
game crush
#2519 opened by XLEBXT - 1
Add upscaler
#2520 opened by Biielik - 0
Default option for Vignette
#2521 opened by tildejustin - 1
confused on why this is going on
#2522 opened by pkoverjr - 1
Weird water and leaves rendering issue on Fancy/Fabulous graphics on 1.20.1
#2524 opened by Chiroyasumi - 2
Please actually fix the submitter did not read issue template label not following the Sodium issue and pull request tracker labelling scheme
#2535 opened by mrjasonn - 1
#2527 opened by FaridZC - 1
deadlock in worker thread closing
#2528 opened by tildejustin - 8
Sodium is not compatible with Minecraft 1.20.6 while listed as supported
#2529 opened by alexitx - 3
Textures glitch out when using resource packs with sodium and waystones
#2530 opened by Bratorsortnal - 3
Game crashes on attempting to open (logs told me to report here)
#2532 opened by the-wildguy - 3
Intel Graphics Driver Error
#2533 opened by 0bsidianFox - 2
Armor/Block outline becomes invisible/bugged in 1.20.5+
#2534 opened by Tetro48 - 3
1.20.1 newest version is not compatible with indium
#2538 opened by vinnyg0621 - 1
Sodium seems to break parity with vanilla in how the chunks are loaded?
#2537 opened by maskersss - 2
Spawn Eggs and Potions not showing (correctly) 1.20.1
#2539 opened by Gundal-stack - 0
nvm im gonna change mods figured it out i think
#2541 opened by M0ch1B0y - 5
Trial Spawners don't render properly
#2540 opened by BigPhobos - 1
Sodium get crash in 1.21
#2542 opened by GAMERGENIX1 - 2
Sodium crashed with "Rendering entity in world" error, 1.20.1
#2543 opened by Fork0n - 2
Sodium break BedrockWaters mod on 1.20.1
#2544 opened by seryan4ik - 4
Game crashes if GPU model name contains special characters
#2545 opened by Criperto - 2
Incorrect glowing effect color in minecraft 1.21
#2547 opened by wdfaESfaef - 3
Sodium 1.21 doesn't work! :(
#2546 opened by moonhayul2009 - 5
Flickering textures on some geometry
#2548 opened by MrCroisan