- 1
Backpack disappears inside inventory when clicked on with a hopper
#534 opened by Floating8Tres - 1
Experience pump do not fix elytra in curio slot
#535 opened by willis1030 - 7
Sophisticated Backpacks being overwritten
#537 opened by KyriAmaranth - 1
Experience Tank Cap Limited
#536 opened by TopPercentageRattata - 1
Dupe with backpacks and corail tombstone (could also be any grave mod i assume)
#538 opened by LuciferFX - 1
Crashes before the game even opens, Java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null
#522 opened by SuperSly12 - 1
can't even play over
#527 opened by IonicBob1234 - 4
Dropping Backpack Crashes Game
#529 opened by IchBinTimothy - 16
Hardcoded JEI Recipes
#532 opened by Masquera1d - 4
Experience Pump not taking any experience from player
#533 opened by XenoxUSser - 1
Crashing when opening Backpack
#556 opened by andylmfao - 2
[1.16.5]The hotkey does not work together with the Essential mod
#555 opened by DrSigma4164 - 3
Crafting Upgrade Grid Item Duplication
#562 opened by Alzarath - 2
[1.19-] Flagged as non-client / server-only in CurseForge
#558 opened by TigerWalts - 3
[3.18.11] Client Crash when spawning Creeper with backpack
#559 opened by kipieslim - 1
[1.18.2] ( Opening others' backpacks is still possible, even when disabled.
#560 opened by aethaerya - 1
Crash (Rendering entity in world) when rendering a creeper with a backpack?
#565 opened by unikmhz - 2
Crafting tab glitch when Shift-mousing over/away from other backpacks in normal inventory.
#541 opened by PaterFrog - 2
Compressing upgrade mod conflict between Prefab and Compressium
#544 opened by Satork - 2
Full crash on forge 40.1.68 and SB 1.18.2-
#546 opened by screret - 2
CTD upon world load
#547 opened by CloWnicide - 3
[1.18.2] Crashing after opening backpack
#550 opened by INooBTooMuch - 4
Any stacks 128 items or above become invisible (stacking upgrade)
#553 opened by StormDragon-64 - 2
Feeder upgrade reads baked potato as poisonous potato
#554 opened by BowBoy1 - 1
[1.16.5] Backpack inventory is synced over all backpacks given with the starterkit mod.
#566 opened by ProsperCraft - 1
Bug when open backpack with curios mod
#568 opened by javierbentez - 1
Cannot open Backpack with V in Enigmatica 8
#569 opened by balloonhead - 1
dupe bug
#570 opened by Knightnight123 - 2
Jukebox upgrade playing music globally instead of around the player.
#571 opened by rpop0 - 2
Etched Mod Compatability
#572 opened by HockeyZman2000 - 0
[Bug] Backpack won't memorize slots in any backpack not being worn, void upgrade not working
#573 opened by DizzyDJW - 1
Smelting upgrade filter doesnt work
#574 opened by nikapaka00 - 1
items gone from backpacks after a server crash
#575 opened by SpaceGazen - 1
[Suggestion] Deposit items from backpack into an inventory whilst wearing the backpack
#577 opened by Nevrai - 6
Backpack with same UUID when upgrading
#580 opened by xalixilax - 4
dupe glitch
#589 opened by Adapron - 2
Compat with Ender Tanks (fluid multiplication issue)
#582 opened by Raidobw2 - 4
Double item bug
#584 opened by McAZero - 1
[1.18.1] Version question
#585 opened by Ullimunate - 3
"rendering item" crash
#588 opened by Farcry210 - 1
Invisible but working backpack that cannot be unequipped
#593 opened by rampagerock - 1
Curse of Vanishing deletes entire backpack, not just cursed item
#594 opened by ignis444 - 1
Inventory Sorter Deleting Items (Sometimes)
#595 opened by Legoman9571 - 7
Setting Item Display breaks inventory UI
#597 opened by Strana - 1
Backpack no longer opens
#598 opened by Adzeiros - 2
backpack doesn't stay with me after I die
#599 opened by SlimJordi - 2
Crash con nuevas versiones de Core
#600 opened by kaiza19 - 3
Crashes after two buckets in tank
#602 opened by CanisArctosLupus - 1
Backpacks with Magnet Upgrade Pick up Items after Death
#604 opened by PraseodymiumSpike - 1
Cant enter the nether anymore
#605 opened by Rosenblack