![Sound Physics Fabric](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/403/496/256/256/637612715840300938.png)
- 0
Mod does not work at all
#74 opened by DPRaiders - 0
doesnt work in 1.20.2 fabric
#70 opened by SaoBap - 0
dont work with 1.20.2
#69 opened by SaoBap - 0
Failure to launch with sound physics (SLF4J)
#68 opened by dull4h4n - 1
1.16.5 port request
#67 opened - 0
What happened to soundphysics-0.5.6.jar
#66 opened by FrostBlade5 - 1
Crash on 1.18.2 when loading new world
#64 opened by mpab1410 - 0
Doesn't work on Minecraft 1.18.2
#62 opened by NotArchiTron - 0
Reverb is not working
#61 opened by mooshy94 - 0
Presence of sound physics significantly increases the volume of UI sounds
#60 opened by deli73 - 0
PlasmoVoice microphone echo
#59 opened by notqtcris - 0
Worlds with a height of 512 break rendering
#58 opened by oatmealine - 1
v 0.5.4 to v 0.5.6 not working
#57 opened by RRRiderrr - 0
Echo based on sound distance + increasing maximum sound distance allowance
#56 opened by Sanaj1337 - 6
last mod version does not work
#55 opened by DINNKA - 1
Reflections per ray minimum
#54 opened by MikeEBJ - 3
Absorption, Roughness, Diffusion, and Occlusion should be different properties
#53 opened by thedocruby - 12
Reverb not working when Cheap shared airspace detection is enabled
#52 opened by ettiSurreal - 2
Sound bug with rain
#51 opened by Calais0001 - 0
Finish Wiki, FAQ
#50 opened by thedocruby - 0
Doppler Effect
#49 opened by thedocruby - 2
No small reverb
#48 opened by Slayer66633 - 2
[1.18] Conflict with AE2WTLib leads to a crash while loading Minecraft
#47 opened by MarkKoz - 1
incobatible with iris
#46 opened by KlaraChaos - 18
Errors with my mod stack and incompatibility with Bobby mod
#45 opened by giorov - 0
Blindness, water effects
#44 opened by thedocruby - 1
Incompatible with Immersive Portals
#43 opened by SpookLad - 1
Massive frame drops upon coming close to animal pens
#42 opened by tmprnc - 13
1.18.1 server fails to start with sound-physics-fabric
#41 opened by Cloudperry - 2
Reverb initial loudness and duration are not physically accurate.
#40 opened by YurgenSchn - 3
Extreme lag with Effective 💦
#39 opened by SleepyTonia - 3
Jukeboxes unaffected by sound dampening
#38 opened by SleepyTonia - 12
Sound Physics starting in .. [1.18.1]
#37 opened by TheSnowyChickens - 7
No In-game Sound when Rendering is Enabled
#36 opened by Hyporeal - 5
No Nether Reverb
#35 opened by JasonHorkles - 0
Horrible performance issues
#34 opened by vlad2305m - 0
Moving sources don't update reverb
#33 opened by vlad2305m - 1
Add f3 data
#32 opened by thedocruby - 1
Water absorption and filtering is not physically accurate
#31 opened by thedocruby - 2
Cloth Config not sufficient?
#28 opened by thedocruby - 5
Publish version 0.4.1
#27 opened by thedocruby - 0
Better water processing
#26 opened by thedocruby - 0
Add basic sound presets with different purposes
#24 opened by thedocruby - 4
Plasmo Voice capture reverb
#23 opened by thedocruby - 3
Config rework
#22 opened by thedocruby - 0
Config setting `airAbsorption` has no comment
#19 opened by thedocruby - 2
Reverb not working in 1.18
#17 opened by thedocruby - 17
Reverb not working with pre-existing config files in 1.18
#16 opened by Placeblock - 0
Sound Absorption by Air and the effect of Humidity
#14 opened by thedocruby - 4
All Mob sounds other than footsteps have an inaccurate origin
#13 opened by thedocruby