Spartan & Tinkers' Metals

Spartan & Tinkers' Metals


WARNING: THIS MOD DOESN'T WORK ON SERVERS, FOR NO APPARENT REASON. I'M SORRY, I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE ISSUE IS (actually its probably just because it was made with MCreator), BUT I'LL TRY TO FIX IT SOON IF I CAN. I lied. I no longer really care about updating this mod at this point (sorry), but go check out Materials Expanded. It does this mod but better, and came first.


This mod has no actual relation with the Spartan mods, but it is the only mod for 1.16 that I know of that adds in all 10 of the supported materials at once. (Actually, this is false. If you are interested, go check Matex, which does add in all of them and more. However, it has no relation with this mod; I just didn't want to spread false information) However, do not contact the owner of the Spartan mods about issues pertaining to this mod or vice versa, as this is entirely independent and unrelated, although they should be entirely compatible.

 Also, this mod will never add direct support for any mod, and does not and will not ever require another mod to function. Any requests to add support for or functionality to another mod will be ignored. However, that doesn't mean it will be guaranteed to not function with other mods; it just means that I won't go out of my way to do so.


This mod adds in all 10 of the supported metals from the Spartan Weaponry mod (although it does not add in the Constantan from the Spartan Shields mod), plus Aluminium, which is supported by Tinkers Construct (which I recently discovered the greatness of). All of them are basically just iron with slightly different abilities (except for the alloys, lead, and platinum), and silver also has a material bonus.

I plan on adding more items and/or functionality, but I'll make no promises as to when those will arrive. I may also add in any suggestions I like, but again, I'll make no promises on a timeline, mainly because I have school I need to focus on, but also somewhat because I'm slightly lazy.

NOTE: I will not be adding a config file, no matter how many people ask, because it isn't possible unless I spend way more time than I'm willing to put in to create one. So please don't ask, and definitely don't open an issue about it.

I appreciate the 1,000+ downloads; when I first made the mod I didn't expect more than 50 or so (although originally the mod was just the vanilla tools part plus steel, and there are tons of those, so...). I figured out what was wrong with some of the ore gen, so I fixed that and released it as a thank-you (as well as fixed some texture issues and added aluminum for more compatibility with Tinkers Construct)

Just a note: If you are looking for the vanilla tools, they have been removed and moved to a separate mod, EAT, although as of writing this it is not yet approved (but hopefully will be soon).

Made using MCreator.

Note for modpack creators:

If you put this in a modpack, go for it. If you want to give credit, please do, but I'm not going to make you.

Compatibility/crashing issues? Read this:

I'm not necessarily planning on trying to fix any compatibility issues, as this is my first modding attempt, but if I get enough requests, I'll consider it (just put your issues in the issues page [although there are no promises on a fix for your crashes, as I understand little about the logs. However, I will try assuming it isn't too overwhelming and you aren't just being stupid and trying to run incompatible mods or on the wrong modloader]).


IF YOU ASK ME TO BACKPORT OR ATTACK THE COMIC SANS FONT, I WILL REVOKE YOUR KNEECAP PRIVLAGES.I may end up making a Fabric 1.16 version of this, or a 1.17 version (Forge or Fabric) when it comes out, but there are no promises. However, you are free to try to make any version of this yourself if you want to.