- 3
miner AI ran into an issue
#211 opened by Swantsy - 2
Vertical slabs do not rotate when using build tool
#212 opened by AkGamerRo - 9
Selecting Random with shape tool causes CTD
#213 opened by WarpedFoxx - 1
Placed orientation of some Timber frame blocks not correct
#214 opened by TheOrionsun - 0
Entry-level task suggestions
#215 opened by Raycoms - 1
Mod crashes game when startup.The game crashed whilst initializing game Error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Initializing game Exit Code: -1
#219 opened by pugsarepeople2 - 1
Game crashes when mod loaded. The game crashed whilst initializing game Error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Initializing game Exit Code: -1
#220 opened by pugsarepeople2 - 7
[Bridge fixed][Cannot load&place blueprints] IAngerable entities requires ServerWorld
#222 opened by SylviaFox - 2
Game crash when start up
#221 opened by pugsarepeople2 - 6
Crash when I put a personal schematic on my world.
#224 opened by 77Florian99 - 0
[suggestion] allow terracotta to be used with timber framed blocks
#225 opened by mvdhoning - 1
Pasting schematics doesn't copy the multiblock settings
#227 opened by ravenbuilder934 - 2
Bug report, 04/11/2020, crash when placing colony.
#228 opened by Gimmie053 - 3
Not pasted my shema on server
#231 opened by Sanysvo - 0
[1.16.4] CTD When Replacing Oak->Spruce Door
#235 opened by Sandriell - 0
Version 0.13.100 is registered as being lower than version 0.13.96
#240 opened by CodyMW - 2
Version 0.13.100 is registered as being lower than version 0.13.96
#241 opened by CodyMW - 0
Scissors are not working well in multi scaled guis
#238 opened by Nightenom - 0
Can not upgrade Townhall Medival Oak Alternative too level 4.
#243 opened by Lejoni - 1
Quick Guide GUI is...broken
#244 opened by ravenbuilder934 - 3
Disconnected on join multiplayer server.
#251 opened by WaterMelwin - 0
Framed Stone Brick
#253 opened by thaylar - 3
Scanning Schematics Auto Fill Name
#254 opened by thaylar - 0
Fix scan tool replace illegal replacements
#261 opened by Nightenom - 1
Version Error
#263 opened by LordMeta - 1
Replacing redstone ore with bedrock in a scan results in crash.
#262 opened by Moleculor - 0
Urgent, notify player when DFU is not present
#264 opened by Nightenom - 7
1.16.5 Structurize not compatable
#265 opened by thepriz - 4
structurize-0.13.104-ALPHA-universal.jar not working in 1.16.5 so can't use minecolonies
#266 opened by FearAK - 4
Error: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -176
#268 opened by Camreyn - 1
Crash on server/client start-up 1.16.5 (Structurize)
#269 opened by pirateorion - 0
Make DFU warning clever
#271 opened by Nightenom - 5
Add a way for non-modders to add schematics to structurize
#276 opened by Nightenom - 2
Scan Tool postion 1 in survival
#277 opened by ErikderFreak - 1
Unable to use any alpha for Structurize above 0.13.113-ALPHA with minecolonies 1.16.5
#282 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 1
Structurize showing failed to load correctly during loading
#279 opened by Edison12300 - 12
Hard work for translating - change the way blocks are translated
#285 opened by Ampaex - 1
java.lang.RuntimeException: Missing some newest data versions. Please update com/ldtteam/structures/blueprints/v1/DataVersion
#287 opened by Hellfire1317 - 1
[1.16.4] CTD When Replacing Grass Blocks to Coarse Dirt
#290 opened by Sandriell - 2
Schematic save location changes
#291 opened by ravenbuilder934 - 9
structurize-0.13.113-ALPHA-universal.jar version delayed.
#295 opened by AndrewTru - 1
town hall outside colony?
#293 opened by firestorm2039 - 9
structurize custom schematic build order bug
#298 opened by oddrobbia - 1
Framed Sandstone Blocks
#299 opened by Donut7163 - 1
Folder Missing
#301 opened by rustyred41 - 0
Light Source Addition
#304 opened by thaylar - 1
Reed Roofing Tiles
#305 opened by thaylar - 0
Preview sharing issues
#307 opened by Nightenom - 3
Mycelium Oversight?
#309 opened by EliotWL - 0
High priority fix - using client class on server code
#306 opened by Nightenom