- 3
Fabric 1.20, gift boxes cannot be dyed, which may cause game crashes.
#676 opened by QianMuu - 4
Shooting Rope Arrow and then opening an inventory dupes the arrow
#694 opened by myriantics - 2
[1.19.2] Unexpected hotbar lockup with the Quiver and GUIs.
#677 opened by zaeonNineZero - 1
Faucets are too good for Create's steam engines
#678 opened by ElRichiRicon - 3
[1.20-2.5.14 Forge] Crash to Desktop
#679 opened by JoelZBub - 2
Feedback an error message when a Speaker face is blocked
#680 opened by kitoaken - 1
Wall lantern crashes server
#681 opened by PawPawBear - 11
game crashing whilst initializing (Fabric)
#683 opened by thebooduck - 15
Compass conflict with Dimension Anchor
#684 opened by Ultimushadow - 1
Minor config issue "certain" is misspelled in the bomb section
#685 opened by coolestguy214 - 1
flags bug
#686 opened by lostopkk - 1
1.18.1 fabric version
#695 opened by SamIsDrowsy - 3
Missing Hanging signs icons
#687 opened by kaz880 - 1
[1.19.2-2.3.20] BombExplosion is not overriding getToBlow() with its own block positions
#688 opened by thexaero - 4
[REQUEST] Provide a damage source to BombExplosion
#689 opened by thexaero - 2
[1.20-2.5.17] Crash on startup when used together with create 0.5.1.d
#691 opened by karelmikie3 - 3
Collection Block
#690 opened by xJohnx117 - 1
Mod is incompatible with Create 1.20.1 (create-1.20.1-0.5.1.d.jar)
#692 opened by celsiusqc - 1
Crash on start-up, 1.19.2, Forge
#693 opened by Someaussie - 4
Trying to use a Pancake on Jukebox does nothing?
#711 opened by RiddleMeNani - 2
1.19.2 [FABRIC] Correct Fire particles for end sconce/nether sconce & crafting recipes for all sconce types
#696 opened by YackMyGack - 1
canbreak nbt doesn't work for thrown bricks
#697 opened by xKubasek - 3
"Create:Attribute Filter" support for present
#698 opened by tobi-blackscale - 22
Trinket Support for Fabric 1.20
#699 opened by Ultimushadow - 2
Compatibility Twig Tables are broken instantly (normal twig tables are not)
#701 opened by thelegitdolt - 7
Poor server performance
#700 opened by Zaryu - 1
Mod loading error has occurred
#712 opened by Plexi09 - 3
Crashes on startup, weirdly not on server side
#702 opened by RogerMcPoggers - 0
Speaker block not saving data
#703 opened by SilentSimulacrum - 7
Game crashes when rendering a player holding a filled cage: "Pose stack not empty"
#704 opened by schmoozingwithjohnny - 2
Failed to generate hanging sign extension texture for ___
#705 opened by Jamalam360 - 3
Supplementaries & Fresh animations conflict
#706 opened by Fonntyy - 1
Crash when opening a faucet plugged in a filled cauldron, when there's nothing below the faucet.
#707 opened by AzzaDellta - 1
Jars cause crash upon launching game after updating to 2.5.19
#708 opened by Kelpiesaurus - 2
Game crashes when thunderstorm starts due to "unluckyLightning" mixin
#709 opened by MCRusher - 2
Trinket Compat
#710 opened by yunus-cakir - 6
Everything is copper incompat
#713 opened by Developer2704 - 1
Crash when entering world caused by Supplementaries mixin
#714 opened by LlubNek - 3
Quilt Crash
#716 opened by lostopkk - 4
Using placeable rods turn non-lava fluids into water
#715 opened by davidjjung - 1
supplementaries fabric 1.20.1 crash with sodium
#717 opened by LordGriefington - 11
Soap duplicates White Items
#718 opened by MuteTiefling - 8
Farmer's Delight integration not working
#720 opened by limelier - 9
Random Adventure maps dont work
#719 opened by RichPrune - 4
Speaker Volume Causes a Crash.
#721 opened by Arachnon - 1
jar icon cant be seen on creative menu and inventory menu on fabric
#722 opened by Thingydude32 - 3
Faucets, and Hoppers Don't mix Causes A Crashloop Due to Ticking Block entitys
#724 opened by Arachnon - 5
[Forge 1.20.1] Crash Upon Generating Hanging Signs
#723 opened by FoxMcloud5655 - 4
Causing Other Mods to Crash
#725 opened by Belle170 - 3
Netherite door can not work correctly with 'Double Doors' Mod
#726 opened by Rogetta