This is a simple mod that adds a Tarot Deck, 78 Tarot Cards,
and a mysterious Ender Tarot Card to Minecraft.
This mod also comes with a companion book to help with learning the cards in-game!
Available for Forge 1.16.5.
Fabric versions, and other updates will come in the future.
You can place the Tarot Cards in your world, flip and reverse them.
Use the Tarot Deck tool to help store, shuffle and deal the cards.
Also try using an Ender Tarot Card for another take on card readings!
When placed, an Ender Tarot Card will transform to a random Tarot Card when flipped over.
Finding and Crafting the Tarot
- Single tarot cards are sometimes dropped by Witches upon their death.
- Wandering Traders can sometimes sell full Tarot Decks for 4 emeralds.
You can craft a Tarot Deck from any 8 Tarot Cards + an Enchanted Book of any kind.
Or you can repair a Tarot Deck that is missing some cards with 8 pieces of paper.
Combine any Tarot Card with an Eye of Ender to transform it into an Ender Tarot Card.
A Clue to the Tarot
If you have Patchouli installed, you can also read a book exclusively written as a companion to this mod:
"A Clue to the Tarot - Interpretation of the Cards, Divination & Occult Origins"
You are awarded the book as soon as you pick up your first Tarot Deck or card.
The book contains contains all its name suggest and will serve as an introduction to the Tarot and a helpful resource for in-game Tarot readings.
I will also be released this book to be read online, sometime in the future.
Mod Configuration
The behavior of some of the Tarot mod mechanics can be customized by editing the "config/tarot.json" file. A sample of the file and its default values are shown below:
- "DisableMajorArcana": false
Disable the use and presence of the 22 Major Arcana cards.
- "DisableMinorArcana": false
Disable the use and presence of the 56 Minor Arcana cards.
- "EnableReversedCardPlacementFromDeck": true
Enable a 50% chance of the card being reversed when dealing from Tarot Deck.
- "EnableReversedCardPlacementFromEnderCard": true
Enable a 50% chance of the card being reversed when flipping an Ender Tarot Card.
- "WitchCardDropRate": 0.15
Chance (out of 1.0) of Witches dropping random Tarot Cards
- "WitchEnderCardChance": 0.1
Chance (out of 1.0) of the Tarot Card dropped by a Witch being an Ender Tarot Card
- "WanderingTraderDeckSellChance": 0.1
Chance (out of 1.0) of a newly spawned Wandering Trader having a Tarot Deck for sale
- "WanderingTraderDeckPrice": 4.0
Price in emeralds for a Tarot Deck sold by Wandering Traders
Credits & other info
The card images in this mod and in the book, are slightly edited versions found in:
a beautifully pixelated deck designed by the talented Rose. Check out her other works!
Follow me on Twitter ( @niondevi ) for updates about the Tarot mod, the "Clue to the Tarot" book, or other future projects of mine.
If you want to support the development and updates of this mod and book, please consider supporting me on Thanks!
You may include this mod in your modpack, map, video, etc. If you do, a link back here would be nice :)
Check out the license for more details on sharing this mod.