

Tarot Deck and a card in hand

Tarot Deck and a card in hand

Hold and deal cards in your hands!
Repair a Damaged Tarot Deck

Repair a Damaged Tarot Deck

You can replace all missing cards of the deck with some paper
Tarot Mod Title

Tarot Mod Title

A simple Tarot reading

A simple Tarot reading

Knight of Swords, The Empress (reversed), and the Four of Wands.
Reading a card entry

Reading a card entry

There's an entry that describes every card, expanding on its meaning and theme.
Using the "Clue" book on the card

Using the "Clue" book on the card

Sneak + Right click the card with the book in your main hand.
Craft a Tarot Deck

Craft a Tarot Deck

Using any 8 Tarot cards with any kind of Enchanted Book
The mysterious Ender Tarot Card

The mysterious Ender Tarot Card

A magic card capable of turning into a random Tarot Card everytime you flip it.
One card reading with Ender Tarot Card

One card reading with Ender Tarot Card

The card is flipped to reveal "The High Priestess"
Craft an Ender Tarot Card

Craft an Ender Tarot Card

with an Eye of Ender and any Tarot card
Learn and practice the Tarot in-game!

Learn and practice the Tarot in-game!

Read "A Clue to the Tarot", a companion book written exclusively for this mod as a manual on divination with clues to the origins of the cards.