- 2
TechReborn Computer Cube GUI Bug
#600 opened - 1
[1.9.4] Tin ore has tin and silver dust basic grinder recipe
#594 opened by primetoxinz - 22
(Biome O Plenty compatibility) BoP ruby dropping red garnet
#595 opened by 0Navis0 - 1
MultipartCable bug 1.9
#596 opened by xannor - 8
Player detectors use a ridiculous amount of power
#597 opened by Prospector - 1
[1.7.10] IC2 fluid/solid canning machine drains beryllium
#598 opened by Xireka - 2
1.9.4- putting itself in the config files
#599 opened by kreezxil - 1
IMPORTANT GENERAL BUG (1.9 and 1.9.4) : Catched unhandled exception java.lang.NullPointerException
#609 opened by 0Navis0 - 2
Make tooltips use lang file
#610 opened by 4rz0 - 3
[Crash]: java.lang.NullPointerException: Rendering screen
#611 opened by Lanse505 - 15
cables, 1.9.4, and MCMultipart
#601 opened by Gunner76th - 19
(suggestion) rubber slabs, stairs, fences and fence gates
#602 opened by 0Navis0 - 2
1.9.4 Cells don't work!
#603 opened by Drew1749 - 1
Macerator gives wrong dust
#604 opened by Itsapiranha - 5
[1.9.4 TechReborn-] Missing Itemtextures!
#605 opened by RakDuhl - 1
[1.9.4 TechReborn-] Electrolyzer Bugs
#606 opened by RakDuhl - 4
Missing Textures
#607 opened by GazbonicAcid - 3
Crash when placing certain blocks by clicking on other blocks
#608 opened by supercrasher - 2
1.9.4- crashes dedicated forge server 1.9 build 1940 while player is exploring
#619 opened by kreezxil - 3
[Strange Crash]:java.lang.Error: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
#620 opened by Lanse505 - 0
1.9.4- Iron Furnace does accept any automatic input
#622 opened by kreezxil - 1
cells changed to universal cells
#621 opened by bear989 - 3
[1.9.4] Crashes without IC2
#623 opened by primetoxinz - 13
IC2 1.9.4 Support
#625 opened by 0Navis0 - 2
Testing IRC
#629 opened by modmuss50 - 4
[Crash]: java.lang.NullPointerException: Unexpected error
#630 opened by Lanse505 - 2
Cannot automatically remove products of Compressor
#631 opened by varukasalt - 7
Issue using 1.7 ores in cofh ore gen.
#632 opened by delet3r - 2
Industrial Blast Furnace Recipe Issue
#633 opened by astocky - 5
Hitting TechReborn Copper Cables with Tinker's Tools Crashes Game
#635 opened by Spireshield - 2
Crash on world load.
#636 opened by varukasalt - 6
BatBox (and possibly other ESUs) show Negative Energy Amount when Full
#637 opened by Spireshield - 4
(feature suggestion) ores doors and trapdoors
#612 opened by 0Navis0 - 2
[Bug?]: HJson-File format?
#613 opened by Lanse505 - 3
Foundry Compat
#614 opened by 0Navis0 - 6
(suggestion) ores generation for Zinc, Nickel, Platinium, Aluminium, Chrome and Titanium
#615 opened by 0Navis0 - 4
(suggestion) Mercure and Mythril
#616 opened by 0Navis0 - 4
Add Config to disable Gem's
#617 opened by modmuss50 - 0
[1.9.4] - [Crash]: java.lang.NullPointerException: The validated object is null
#618 opened by Lanse505 - 3
Road away from JSON Destroyer
#641 opened by Yulife - 3
Few issues, no explosions, no power transfer.
#642 opened by slidingmike - 12
[1.9.4-]Game crashes when connecting hopper to extractor
#643 opened by Karra11 - 6
Putting Vanilla Hopper under Grinder (Macerator) Crashes Map
#639 opened by Spireshield - 8
[1.9.4] Crash when trying to charge items with Ender IO (RF)
#640 opened by Kazzamkablam - 3
Dev Heads causing lag
#648 opened by alexgeek - 0
rubber trees are fireproof
#649 opened by 0Navis0 - 1
quantum and digital chests have a bugged interface (1.9.4)
#650 opened by 0Navis0 - 2
[1.9.4]Netherrack dust recipes are missing
#644 opened by Karra11 - 1
Empty batteries/crystals keep on charging energy storage
#645 opened by Cendrb - 0
missing recipes for data orb, data control circuit and computer monitor
#647 opened by modmuss50