- 1
Crashes when viewing crafting recipe
#960 opened by SnipeHub - 3
[1.11.2] Grinder will not accept input from the sides, or pull from the sides.
#967 opened by ProsperCraft - 0
[1.11.2] Iron furnace takes fuel into the input slot when shift clicking.
#968 opened by ProsperCraft - 3
[1.10.2] Misc issues.
#969 opened by Claycorp - 0
Carbon fiber does not use ore:dustCoal [1.11.2]
#970 opened by megaloloful - 3
Blast Furnace blows up at 128 EU/t
#962 opened by davqvist - 2
Quantum Tank / Mekanism Brine error
#963 opened by Zuiq - 3
Has the quantum chest/tank been removed from the latest versions?
#964 opened by Staegrin - 0
1.10.2 player detectors call client side code.
#973 opened by Claycorp - 3
Crash when typing "ax" into search box 1.11.2 TR
#974 opened by jjjworley - 0
1.10.2 Config option missing loclaizations
#975 opened by Claycorp - 1
Quantum / Digital chest crashes
#971 opened by HardwareAccelerated - 0
1.10.2 Thermal generator crashes clients on servers.
#972 opened by Claycorp - 1
[1.10.2] Some valid recipes are uncraftable?
#977 opened - 0
[ATM 1.10.2 v1.60b] Generators generate infinite energy to adjacent machines
#978 opened by Gorden211 - 3
No documentation for industrial sawmill
#979 opened by ManMan36 - 1
Wiki suggestion (getting started).
#976 opened by ShelLuser - 1
[1.10.2] multiblock hologram is offset for industrial blast furnace
#980 opened by darklordwonton - 0
[1.10.2/1.11.2] industrial grinder ignores multiblock
#981 opened by darklordwonton - 4
Compressors do not progress on turning Carbon Mesh into Carbon Plate (progress bar stays at 0%)
#982 opened by epharian - 1
[1.10.2] Unable to locate/use the Pump
#986 opened by HybridAir - 1
Ores still generated despite generateOres: false
#983 opened by leagris - 2
[1.10.2]/[1.11.2] Some kind of incompatibilities with Forge Energy System
#984 opened by ParaMotor - 0
Generator seems broken
#985 opened by modmuss50 - 0
[1.11.2] High-tier cables destroy lower-tier machines
#990 opened by NateMcCloud - 1
[1.11.2] Fix MineTweaker Intergration
#991 opened by DoughnutDev - 2
Breaking cables/using wrench
#987 opened by Towsty - 1
GUIs are client-side
#988 opened by Eufranio - 0
Missing recipe for endstone dust
#989 opened - 1
Missing textures in 1.10
#994 opened by DeadSix27 - 11
Red Garnet dupe from Ore mining
#992 opened by leagris - 2
Issue with JEI and steel
#996 opened by Adissaric - 2
[1.10.2] plutonium fuel rods not accepted in ic2 reactor
#997 opened by Alessandro404 - 2
[1.10.2] Several items and machines are not removed when playing with "Remove Duplicates when IC2 is installed"=true
#998 opened by Alessandro404 - 2
[1.10.2] LESU not outputting energy
#999 opened by Alessandro404 - 1
Transfomer upgrade needs fixing with ic2
#1000 opened by modmuss50 - 0
The Electric Alloy Furnace is not obtainable.
#1001 opened by modmuss50 - 0
cant craft scrap and ic2 scrap does not fully work in matter fabricator
#1002 opened by TheDCPlaya - 0
- 6
Recipes not using Ore Dictionary Iron plates
#1003 opened by trbocode - 1
Industrial Grinder broken after bd4b03 and d126eda
#1004 opened by trbocode - 1
Recipes removed?
#1005 opened by Staegrin - 1
TechReborn/RFtools power system incompability issues
#1006 opened by GeekBeam - 3
[1.11.2] Oregen config not being respected in some situations
#1007 opened by Rosethorns - 22
Ore Spawn Glitch
#1009 opened - 1
Worldgen crash
#1010 opened by the-creamster - 5
Locales feature
#1011 opened - 1
Unfixed techreborn dupe 1.11
#1012 opened - 1
Chunkloader gui bug
#1013 opened - 1
[1.11.2] Config crash - gem tools/armor
#1008 opened by Terpo