- 2
Powered hovercraft for long distance transport
#2064 opened by WrongWeekend - 0
Cloaking Device causes broken textures
#2067 opened by PastMoments - 1
Cables won't connect to multi-dot sides of transformers
#2066 opened by viveleroi - 1
Crash after using storage unit block
#2068 opened by AmphyEX - 3
Make sodium explode in water.
#2069 opened by crabdancing - 0
Empty cell changing bucket in industrial grinder
#2070 opened by Reshirem - 1
invisible cell and bucket from Optifine 1 15 2
#2071 opened by Miros77 - 4
An API is required
#2072 opened by hYdos - 3
Auto Crafter is unable to pull from Storage Units
#2073 opened by Martmists-GH - 0
Composter doesn't support TechReborn plant products
#2075 opened by BetaCarotina - 2
superconductor Cable not transmitting correct energy outperformed by Insulated HV Cable
#2076 opened by mholland999 - 3
Wiki explanation of blocks like storage, the item config screen and how to properly configure
#2077 opened by mholland999 - 1
Compatibility with Elytra (Trinket)
#2074 opened by Limitrophic-Researcher - 0
Option to control Rubber Trees' generation
#2079 opened by Nimi23 - 5
Recipe dependency loop (v3.3.5, 1.15.2)
#2078 opened by crabdancing - 2
crashes on startup 20w14a
#2080 opened by congueror - 0
Startup crash something with ae2 compat
#2081 opened by Fenekhu - 2
[1.12.2] Can't connect cables to energy storage cubes (Battery Box, MFE...)
#2082 opened by llloyd4 - 1
In-game Wiki DoA
#2085 opened - 3
Configurable Ore Spawn Rates?
#2087 opened - 4
Terrestria Rubber Wood
#2088 opened - 0
Tag mismatches with Cotton Resources [1.16]
#2083 opened by i509VCB - 1
REI favourites cover Tech Reborn upgrade slots
#2084 opened by Tanath - 4
[Question] Removal of Tech Reborn recipes using LibCD or Vanilla Datapacks
#2089 opened by TalEdd - 3
Craft storage units using barrels added by blockus
#2090 opened by crabdancing - 4
Question about Item Plates Textures
#2092 opened by TheUntamed - 0
Quantum tank unit advancement still requires deprecated "quantum_tank"
#2096 opened by tkgwku - 3
Industrial Grinder always says "Incomplete Multiblock" MC 1.15.2, Tech Reborn 3.3.8 build 216 Fabric
#2098 opened by JillSwift - 2
Ability to use batteries directly with right-click
#2099 opened by DenisNovac - 1
Crashed sometimes using a dispenser to fill empty cell with water
#2097 opened by Gardelll - 2
Rubber from Dandelions
#2100 opened by WrongWeekend - 2
Solar panels generating power in the end dimension
#2105 opened by Tkvgamer - 3
Gems use c:name_gem tag instead of c:name
#2106 opened by lukebemish - 1
Naming of Machine casing is wrong on the wiki (1.12.2-
#2102 opened by soultoyo - 3
Crash while placing a mechanism on server
#2103 opened by tresqy - 0
Renewable gravel
#2107 opened by Tkvgamer - 3
Crash when configuring sides on latest snapshot
#2108 opened by Mizhok - 5
Server crashes on start after placing a solar panel
#2109 opened by thejimmyw - 3
code for displaying GUI causes game to crash when right clicking on machines
#2111 opened by crabdancing - 1
Cells and buckets have invisible textures when OptiFine installed
#2112 opened by prc94 - 1
Remake of IC2 Hazmat Suit, Scuba Helmet and Rubber Boots
#2113 opened by prc94 - 1
Tweak combat stats of chainsaw and, maybe, drilll, to fit better with vanilla combat system.
#2116 opened by prc94 - 0
Energy glitch
#2115 opened by donkeykong63 - 1
Hoppers for Generators
#2119 opened by DanShu15 - 3
Publish translated version for 1.14
#2120 opened by PhoneixS - 1
[1.12.2] Centrifuge crafttweaker recipes are not working
#2123 opened by skyline918 - 4
Server Crash
#2126 opened by DanShu15 - 4
Solar panel energy generation should scale with light incidence angle
#2127 opened by Sturmlilie - 3
1.15.2 Fabric | Advanced Solar Panel Tile Entity Bricks the World
#2128 opened by Mustang-Dood - 3
1.15.2 No item recipe
#2129 opened by pavel-k-codexoptimus