- 1
What version of IC2Classic does TechRebornClassic use?
#175 opened by joflashstudios - 6
NEI Matter Fabbricator Handler is missing
#176 opened by Xen1290 - 3
Missing Localizations
#177 opened by Xen1290 - 1
LESU Gui is broken
#178 opened by Xen1290 - 1
AESU Gui is broken
#179 opened by Xen1290 - 0
IDSU Gui is broken
#180 opened by Xen1290 - 1
Does this work with IC2Classic by speiger officially? Or do you still require Techreborn-Classic?
#181 opened by Boostem - 11
Missing Recipes
#182 opened by Xen1290 - 1
Possible Wrong Recipe: 60k NaK Coolant Cell
#183 opened by Xen1290 - 2
Two Coal Plate
#185 opened by Xen1290 - 1
Cupronikel Heating Coil Duplicated Recipe
#184 opened by Xen1290 - 0
Saving to NBT Crash IDSU
#186 opened by gigabit101 - 9
Recipe issue with IC2 Experimental with Beta 908 and newer
#187 opened by walkerjonny - 3
OreDictionary Setup
#188 opened by Rongmario - 4
Blast furnace recipe added via minetweaker must have 2 input materials
#166 opened by wormzjl - 3
New version crashes with Forestry 3.6.X
#167 opened by Rongmario - 5
crash when updating to V0.5.2.896
#168 opened by bear989 - 21
macerator easy recipe
#169 opened by bear989 - 4
( Breaking Industrial Grinder with Pick Crash
#170 opened by parcel31u - 1
( Standalone Crash when placing Semi-Fluid Generator and crashing when opening up game
#171 opened by parcel31u - 2
Crash when placing IDSU
#172 opened by Yarntheory - 3
Wiremill is missing?
#173 opened by wormzjl - 1
Server Crash Standalone (
#174 opened by parcel31u - 1
Machines don't rotate on framez
#190 opened by modmuss50 - 3
Recipe duping
#189 opened by wormzjl - 11
TO_DO : Easy mode IC2 classic e-net compatibility
#195 opened by Carbon-Ghost - 0
Conflict with EssentialCraft (Recipe)
#196 opened by Rongmario - 6
Crash with IC2 classic
#198 opened by Carbon-Ghost - 1
Remain In motion
#199 opened by MrBretze - 7
Crash when not using 16x texture pack
#201 opened by MrBretze - 12
Thorium and plutonium cell no longer works in the IC2 nuclear reactor?
#191 opened by wormzjl - 1
Machine power tiers and upgrades
#193 opened by wormzjl - 1
Crash with IDSU, take 2
#192 opened by wormzjl - 0
Add Comments/Energy/Upgrades Tooltips
#194 opened by Xen1290 - 1
Quantum tank full of steam drops a steam item when broken
#210 opened by HarrisFauntleroy - 17
Add catalyst option to minetweaker
#203 opened by Carbon-Ghost - 1
Crash with HCQ
#204 opened by modmuss50 - 2
Server Shuts on entering world
#205 opened by parcel31u - 0
Generators wont accept appopriate fuel cells, and problems with universal cells
#207 opened by wormzjl - 7
Continuous Explosions (Standalone
#208 opened by parcel31u - 5
Removal of Assembly Machine
#209 opened by parcel31u - 5
Prevent the registration of an Item and its recipes if the ore doesn't exist
#211 opened by Xen1290 - 1
Remove useless tooltips
#212 opened by Xen1290 - 1
Wrong Electric Alloy Furnace Texture
#213 opened by Xen1290 - 1
Missing Centrifuge Tooltips
#214 opened by Xen1290 - 2
[Suggestion]Better Multiblock Error System
#215 opened by Xen1290 - 1
Missing damage value on chargeable items
#216 opened by Xen1290 - 2
TechReborn fluid cells don't hold fluid.
#217 opened by modmuss50 - 4
[IC2 Classic] Cable not connected
#218 opened by MrBretze - 19
[Suggestion]Use inputstack instead of output stack in MT machine recipe removal
#219 opened by wormzjl