- 2
Petition to change the name of this mod to Craigtech.
#544 opened by adamringeisen - 1
Crashing with InvTweaks
#545 opened by MCEventHorizon - 7
[1.9] NPE when generating a new world
#550 opened by w00tc0d3 - 1
#546 opened by Prospector - 1
#547 opened by Prospector - 0
Client Kicked from server when placing an ic2 in a pre existing fmp part
#548 opened by modmuss50 - 0
[1.9] Recycler issues
#549 opened by b0bst3r - 6
Broken recipes wich causes minecraft to crash when Inventory Tweaks is installed or when I go in the control parameters durring the game
#553 opened by 0Navis0 - 1
The rubber trees aren't recognized by Better Foliage
#554 opened by 0Navis0 - 0
The Nether and Ender ores doesn't generate them
#555 opened by 0Navis0 - 4
[1.9]Iron Furnaces Don't Work As Expected
#556 opened by First-Follow - 1
the reborncore stuff works now, but there is no silver
#557 opened by Sailren - 4
[Query] Invar recipes not Oredict
#558 opened by b0bst3r - 4
[1.9] Missing textures / item name changes when updating to latest versions
#559 opened by dirtyfargo - 1
Redesign Thermal Generator
#560 opened by Prospector - 1
Electric furnace Hopper usage
#561 opened by tentonaxe - 5
Bauxite ore not ore dict with IE
#562 opened by gigabit101 - 5
[1.7.10] Iridium ore not spawing
#551 opened by modmuss50 - 1
[1.9] Silver And Lead Ore can't be smelted in a furnace.
#552 opened by MCEventHorizon - 8
Nickel is impossible to obtain
#568 opened by DarkIceXD - 1
Cloak Device Model?
#569 opened - 2
Major SMP powernet issues
#570 opened by modmuss50 - 7
[1.9] Crash when loading new chunks
#571 opened by Sailren - 4
Matter Fabricator not working
#572 opened by Jackol0 - 5
Thin cables look odd when facing north/south
#573 opened by Prospector - 2
[1.7.10] Crash to desktop when mining ores.
#574 opened by Xireka - 2
[1.9] Client crash at startup
#575 opened by kwpugh - 5
[1.7.10] Soundless ore mining and sudden drop
#576 opened by Xireka - 0
Fluids not rendering correctally
#577 opened by Prospector - 0
Middle Clicked Ores
#578 opened by DrevianAlexander - 0
PDA Loading issues
#563 opened by modmuss50 - 4
[1.9] Power generation/usage
#564 opened by Inari-Whitebear - 8
Power charge issues in SMP
#565 opened by BakermanLP - 1
1.7.10 LESU Charging issue!
#566 opened by BarbusCraft - 1
[1.9] Energy Transfer
#567 opened by DarkIceXD - 8
InvTweaks Compatability Issue
#588 opened by MazeusXenon - 1
Crash when loading BlockPlayerDetector
#589 opened by BeyJohn - 3
Crash with TechRebornV 1.9 -
#590 opened by RebeccaRedstone - 0
[1.9] No state mapper for rubber leaves block
#579 opened by octarine-noise - 3
[Major Issue, possible performance fix?] Ores aren't solid like vanilla ores (1.9)
#580 opened by jawsawn - 1
IC2 in 1.9 Questions
#581 opened by modmuss50 - 1
copper ore is green
#582 opened by 0Navis0 - 1
support for Biome O Plenty ores
#583 opened by 0Navis0 - 2
Reborn Core Crash
#584 opened by Armagedon13 - 1
Gem ores don't drop their respective gems
#585 opened by 4rz0 - 3
(thaumcraft compatibility) cinnabar burnt into quicksilver
#586 opened by 0Navis0 - 0
Copper Block not oredicted and named inconsistently.
#587 opened by 4rz0 - 3
1.8.9 IC2 Support is broken
#591 opened by Prospector - 2
[1.9.4] Rubber log and planks have stone break and step sound
#593 opened by primetoxinz - 2
1.7.10: Electric Crafting Table broken
#592 opened by AKTheKnight