- 5
Make TR wrench work on IC2 blocks
#1658 opened by modmuss50 - 1
Ender Pearl Abuse
#1659 opened by catemiko - 4
Machine Texture Animation Issues.
#1661 opened by StoneLegion - 4
Overclocker scaling is very different compared to IC2
#1662 opened by coderbot16 - 4
Medium and higher tech machines should only progress when they get right energy amount
#1663 opened by ElectroBot - 3
IC2 Experimental Version & TR Comparability issues.
#1665 opened by StoneLegion - 1
Crash when trying to use the rolling machine.
#1666 opened by pupnewfster - 2
Crash transformator
#1664 opened by bigenergy - 0
Potential Alloy Furnace issue
#1667 opened by erindal - 0
Iron Alloy Furance doesn't have smelting animation
#1669 opened by trilexcom - 1
Suggestion: chainsaw shearing.
#1668 opened by Trinsdar - 0
Advanced tool suggestion
#1670 opened by LoveAlmstrom - 0
Advanced drill bug
#1674 opened by bigenergy - 5
[Suggestion] Change Vacuum Freezer Multiblock
#1672 opened by Skillotic0703 - 12
Server Crashing while starting when using OpenJ9 JVM
#1673 opened by Taviala - 1
Make Shift-clicking upgrades into a Recycler not put excess into the input slot
#1675 opened by MyNameIsKodos - 3
Crash upon opening Rolling Machine GUI
#1676 opened by LordEpos - 2
Tools should have config to move power overlay to other corners
#1677 opened by ElectroBot - 0
Advanced Drill works without power
#1678 opened by ElectroBot - 1
Advanced Chainsaw should destroy leaves very quickly
#1681 opened by ElectroBot - 0
Advanced Chainsaw should allow more than 1 enchant
#1679 opened by ElectroBot - 0
Advanced Chainsaw should chop down 2x2 trees as 1 tree rather than each vertical column
#1680 opened by ElectroBot - 10
Consider adding a machine that fills cells and other cotainers with fluid.
#1683 opened by levicc00123 - 1
IOreDictEntries can't be assigned amount through CT
#1684 opened by Yoghurt4C - 2
[1.12.2] Crash on creating multi-block structure (repro w/ blast furnace)
#1685 opened by vladbarcelo - 0
IC2 Scrap Box doesnt work in Matter fab
#1682 opened by Sunekaer - 1
Adjustable SU output
#1686 opened by LoveAlmstrom - 3
[Question] Electric Furnace resets progress on lack of power unlike other machines
#1688 opened by tomdodd4598 - 3
Implosion Compressor wont form or accept form
#1689 opened by Solverbolt - 1
[Suggestion] Superconductor cables and supercondensator [ultimate transformer]
#1690 opened by gdm413229 - 1
Sneak-Right Clicking an Iron Fence with a Wrench crashes to desktop
#1691 opened by MyNameIsKodos - 1
Rotate TR blocks
#1692 opened by LoveAlmstrom - 1
Industrial Blast Furnace misreporting tier when fitted with transformer upgrades
#1694 opened by xenoflot - 1
[COMPAT] Add config to make IC2 scrap
#1695 opened by Skillotic0703 - 2
OpenComputers Integration
#1696 opened by MyNameIsKodos - 0
TR Solar Crash
#1693 opened by BSchneppe - 1
- 2
Fluid tank in fluid replicator multiblock
#1698 opened by LoveAlmstrom - 3
Matter Fabricator overclocker upgrades
#1699 opened by LoveAlmstrom - 2
Dupe bug matter fab + tesslocators
#1700 opened by LoveAlmstrom - 0
Output slots can be filled with the slot config
#1701 opened by modmuss50 - 2
overclocker going bye bye
#1702 opened by LoveAlmstrom - 1
Rotating machines #2
#1703 opened by LoveAlmstrom - 1
Ultimate solar panels array out of bounds exception when placed rappidly.
#1704 opened by ShadowKing345 - 5
Cables not connecting and transfering power to IC2 machines
#1705 opened by LoveAlmstrom - 1
Use new IC2 IMiningDrill on drills
#1708 opened by modmuss50 - 2
Recipe for Carbon Cells is broken
#1706 opened by NocturnalScream - 0
Featurerequest: add Sound volume option
#1707 opened by NocturnalScream - 0
Scrapbox-inator uses wrong scrap with ic2 dedupe
#1709 opened by modmuss50 - 2
TR machines don't accept / provide power in EU-only mode
#1710 opened by MaxNeedsSnacks