- 1
White and Yellow Bed Incorrect crafting recipie.
#3382 opened by Haemophilu - 13
Electric Tools can Break under certain conditions.
#3383 opened by Haemophilu - 1
Oil lacks fluid properties and oil spouts spawn are hard to locate.
#3384 opened by Haemophilu - 5
REI cannot directly view recipes for the same fluid (fluid, bucket, cell)
#3385 opened by Haemophilu - 0
Achievments that declare 'any' upgrade, or 'any' ore, require all of them to be made, instead of just 1.
#3386 opened by Haemophilu - 1
Alloy Smelter not smelting nickel and iron
#3376 opened by kiran-evans - 2
Bug Cause crash game (Water & Lava crash)
#3377 opened by superboy200 - 4
Server unable to launch with REI and Tech Reborn on 1.21.4
#3380 opened by Haemophilu - 4
REI recipe shows error
#3391 opened by IAmVoraxium