- 3
Telepads transporting me into the ground
#1 opened by baudtack - 11
Desync issue after using telepads
#2 opened by DatrixTHLK - 2
Issue with Telepad upgrade
#3 opened by DatrixTHLK - 17
Telepad + Void Dimension from Utility Worlds + Quartz Dimension from Dimensional Resources
#4 opened by DatrixTHLK - 2
Invalid Dimension ID crash
#5 opened by scottosx - 3
Crash When Placing Telepad
#6 opened by timbrown81 - 1
Chinese Translate Files
#7 opened by FantWings - 2
Can't take pad from crafting table
#8 opened by inkihh - 1
Removing Locations 1.10.2
#9 opened by taylor-b-02 - 3
crash when pressing backspace on naming
#10 opened by jackytuutykcaj - 5
Crash when loading Minecraft 1.10.2
#11 opened by ryamamoton - 0
Removing telepads gui not popping up [server side issue]
#12 opened by AbsolemJackdaw - 1
Crash using version 1.12
#13 opened by darrenhollick - 0
Crash when attaching entity capabilities
#14 opened by HellFirePvP