- 2
[Bug]: Latest Version Of Tempad (2.2.0) Errors upon loading on 1.20.1
#71 opened by Cyranos - 1
[Feature Request/Wiki]: Probably add the difference between this 'he who remains' tempad
#70 opened by Kiwifuit - 1
[Bug]: Dependencies on Modrinth
#69 opened by vanja-san - 2
#68 opened by PickyPixelStudio - 4
[Bug]: Door doesn't show with shaders enabled
#67 opened by JMackey1 - 1
#66 opened by UnstableStrafe - 2
[Bug]: buggy with shaders 1.20
#65 opened by kodamant - 0
[Bug]: Tempad portal does not appear with shaders on
#64 opened by TheUltimateStriker23 - 2
[Feature Request]: Shaders support
#63 opened by Shisuiicaro - 1
#61 opened by Efimity - 2
[Bug]: Teleporting creates obsidian spawn pad in End
#60 opened by rckymtnrfc - 1
[Feature Request]: Shaders is not feasible!?
#59 opened by pGommes - 1
[Bug]: Water & other renderers do not render behind Timedoor
#55 opened by CodexAdrian - 1
[Bug]: Blur renderer does not work on 1.20
#54 opened by CodexAdrian - 2
[Bug]: Start-up bug crash with Origins Classes {forge}
#52 opened by itstaajaae - 2
[Bug]: Tempad Portal Rendering with Shaders
#51 opened by bcrotty - 5
[Bug]: Crash on boot
#50 opened by CadenCorvids - 5
[Bug]: crash
#49 opened by CosmosFury13 - 1
[Feature Request]: JourneyMap Integration
#47 opened by Jerry260102 - 4
[Feature Request]: Ability to sort locations.
#46 opened by SgtSnipey - 2
[Bug]: With TimedoorFancy set to false some fluids and chests vanish, as does the "Door"
#45 opened by Mitchell5200 - 12
This mod is interacting with Travel Anchors to make travel anchors render invisible [Bug]:
#44 opened by Old-Man-D - 3
[Bug]: `minecraft:glowing` effect is not visible with this mod installed
#43 opened by dsf3449 - 4
[Feature Request]: Teleport only on conditions
#42 opened by enmumne - 1
[Bug]: Invisible mobs when Rubidium is installed
#41 opened by celsiusqc - 4
[Bug]: Not rendering portal with shaders and config issue,
#38 opened by A00826925 - 1
[Bug]: Crash during sided_setup phase
#37 opened by scmcgowen - 0
Tempad Cooldown Issue
#36 opened by Maihuyy - 3
Scrolling large location lists causes items to resort non-alphabetically
#35 opened by alexdelifer - 1
[Suggestion] Allow using Immersive Portals to render portal destination
#34 opened by PoolloverNathan - 1
Bugs with iris/oculus in 1.19+
#33 opened by lajjjj - 1
Incompatibility with mod lifts, blurry screen
#32 opened by BlakyHaraz - 1
Timer based per player rather than per Tempad
#31 opened by CapoFantasma97 - 1
Can't put the Tempad into AE2's Charger
#30 opened by Laifsyn - 1
Compatibility mods bug
#28 opened by lostopkk - 1
Crash on latest [1.19 Fabric]
#27 opened by Zainyest - 1
[1.18.2] Latest version crashes due to conflicts
#26 opened by itsdinkd - 1
[Suggestion] Shift right click to tp to last know location 1.18.2
#25 opened by benbenlaw - 3
Fancy Timedoor conflicts with Create mod rendering
#23 opened by Nostalgion - 3
[FORGE] Tempad breaks MineColonies build preview
#22 opened by bookerthegeek - 6
Teleport button make sound when disabled.
#21 opened by ThatGravyBoat - 1
1.19 version says it requires Java 18
#20 opened by MoonlightSystem - 1
[Forge] Crash during startup
#19 opened by Uraneptus - 1
Kang Tempad [Suggestion]
#18 opened by RolledOverTurtle - 1
Portal is Invisible
#17 opened by RolledOverTurtle - 3
Incompatibility with Immersive Portals
#16 opened by sfmMilk - 1
[Fabric] Unable to summon entity
#15 opened by Chribit - 4
Cooldown time broken in Multiplayer
#14 opened by Sebas-Re - 1
[Fabric|Suggestion] No-cooldown version
#13 opened by Sebas-Re - 1
[Forge] Crash when Forge Error screen (w/missing dependencies)
#12 opened by JaisDK