- 1
#96 opened by 5775436 - 2
[Bug]: i cant open the crafting grid
#94 opened by DaimDud3 - 1
[Feature Request]: Add an option to balcklist entities
#95 opened by AHL67 - 0
[Feature Request]: Waystone Integration Config
#74 opened by DinnerBeef - 2
[Feature Request]: Search Function or/and Location Order
#72 opened by Thunder-Nova - 4
[Bug]: Render overlay error when booting up the game
#73 opened by R0b0r0b - 1
[Bug]: Required Dependencies
#75 opened by PeterPgit - 1
[Feature Request]: Shader compatibility
#76 opened by MikeHollisJr2021 - 1
[Bug]: Fails to subtract energy costs over 1024
#77 opened by PeterPgit - 1
[Feature Request]: Ability to open and close selected portals with a keybind or shifting
#82 opened by RiftWalker6812 - 4
[Feature Request]: Ability ro remove timedoors.
#81 opened by UnderseaKnight - 2
[Bug]: FabricWaystones getOwner should have null check
#78 opened by TheWinABagel - 4
[Feature Request]: add option to change the colour back
#79 opened by simfrek - 2
[Bug]: Can't change config
#80 opened by Borailuce99 - 0
[Bug]: 1.20.4 Neoforge version 2.3.4 of Tempad - game crashes almost instantly after launching
#88 opened by VorpalGel - 4
[Bug]: /feature needed - shaders support / Portal entity invisibility
#83 opened by SomRandom-Guy - 2
[Bug]: portal display
#84 opened by grante36 - 3
[Feature Request]: Emulate /tpa command to teleport to friends
#85 opened by TheDeviantCrafter - 2
[Feature Request]: Global waypoints similar to Waystones
#86 opened by TheDeviantCrafter - 1
[Feature Request]: He who remains tempad recipe
#87 opened by SomRandom-Guy - 1
[Bug]: Potential to become stuck in time door
#89 opened by Thedude7054 - 1
[Feature Request]: Add config option to seperate cooldowns for Tempads
#90 opened by 4dTailor - 2
- 0
[Feature Request]: /temportal command to summon a tempad portal with commands
#93 opened by TheDeviantCrafter - 7
[Bug]: Can still teleport when there's not enough fuel in Forge for Minecraft 1.20.1
#97 opened by MagentaRuby - 1
[Feature Request]: Folders/Categories for better location management
#98 opened by OarisHunter - 1
[Feature Request]: Dimension Blacklist expansion
#103 opened by Rythian2277 - 1
[Bug]: Fails to Render Timegate while using a shader
#104 opened by ZyriBlackwood - 1
[Feature Request]: "Lore accurate" Tempad mode (AKA: overpowered tempad settings)
#99 opened by KateReller - 1
[Bug]: Tempad Renders Over Blocks With Blur Enabled
#100 opened by PolyframeX - 4
[Bug]: Tempad not visible with shaders
#101 opened by CBB03 - 1
[Bug]: causes game to crash
#102 opened by viktordimov - 0
[Feature Request]: Teleport Animation
#107 opened by DavidGill1503 - 6
[Bug]: 1.19.2, Tempad 1.4.5 + Minetogether 6.2.4 crash on loading screen
#108 opened by Mundif - 2
[Feature Request]: Sort/Rearrange locations in list
#105 opened by drysdan - 2
[Bug]: Location Card
#106 opened by Vitokhv - 2
Tempad 1.20.1-ver. 2.3.3 switching between Timer and Energy within the Config file.
#109 opened by Tahlavos17 - 4
[Feature Request]: Config for disallowing entities to passthrough the portal
#110 opened by Xplodin - 3
[Bug]: Adding enchantments to the tempad removes colour
#111 opened by ShadowFox88 - 1
[Bug]: Tempad crashes client on game loading. (Development Environment)
#113 opened by YoItSoul - 1
[Bug]: Shaders make Tempad invisible
#117 opened by EnderTrekkie - 1
[Feature Request]: Remove Tempad Spawn Pad in End 1.19.2
#116 opened by Pnegiun - 2
[Feature Request]: Remove Ability to Access Claimed Chunks
#118 opened by Marzz2006 - 3
[Suggestion]: 5 Requests For This Very Epic Mod
#119 opened by Kostovo - 5
[Bug]: can't remove saved location
#120 opened by remotekilla - 3
[Feature Request]: Proper Time Door model with a Proper Texture.
#124 opened by VirgilCore - 0
[Feature Request]: Minimum and Maximum teleport distance config.
#125 opened by KaziFahmi - 1
[Bug]: portal doesnt show with shaders
#126 opened by seavord - 1
[Bug]: Tempad (tempad) has failed to load correctly
#127 opened by TTaxer - 1
[Bug]: Portal invisible whith shaders
#128 opened by rodrigoguarch