- 0
Ugly generation of hot springs/lava pools in water bodies
#712 opened by muzikbike - 1
Falling next to TFC water produces white particles
#711 opened by muzikbike - 5
Sprinting/breaking/falling particles of TFC grass is biome-tinted
#710 opened by muzikbike - 0
Fruit tree branches hitbox does not correctly match up with the shape of the block
#709 opened by muzikbike - 0
Fruit tree branches should disconnect from removed leaves
#708 opened by muzikbike - 1
Plucking feathers
#707 opened by muzikbike - 1
Horse meat texture seems a pixel too high
#776 opened by muzikbike - 0
Spawn eggs used on adult TFC mobs do not spawn baby variants
#706 opened by muzikbike - 6
Melting ores in a forge causes world breaking crashes.
#705 opened by UnlimatedStone9 - 6
Add in-game message for missing TFC world type.
#704 opened by Claycorp - 1
Configuration option to change TFC tree felling
#703 opened by UnlimatedStone9 - 1
Pickling fruit consumes vinegar.
#702 opened by p0kes - 0
Can't make cheese
#701 opened by p0kes - 2
Minecart is light/v.small
#700 opened by p0kes - 2
Cloth can be put on loom
#699 opened by p0kes - 0
Chunk retrogen is still producing multitudes of rocks/sticks
#697 opened by Gaelmare - 1
Saplings not going away when trees grow.
#695 opened by Claycorp - 3
Raw meat is edible and has no adverse effects.
#694 opened by TheDyreBanana - 6
Smithing should give durability bonuses (for tools that don't benefit from efficiently ones)
#693 opened by RiverC - 3
Food & Water drain in creative.
#692 opened by Claycorp - 5
Water bottles need balance.
#691 opened by Claycorp - 1
Separate Heat and Forgeability capabilities.
#690 opened by Claycorp - 2
Way to move plants outside of the zone they are allowed to live in.
#689 opened by Claycorp - 1
Jute texture is far too big and has massive z-fighting issues due to it.
#775 opened by Claycorp - 0
Fruit trees float.
#688 opened by Claycorp - 0
Fences are missing hardness.
#687 opened by Claycorp - 1
Bush spawn and bush retrogen needs balance.
#686 opened by Claycorp - 1
Animal's offspring don't inherit mother's familarity?
#685 opened by p0kes - 1
Pheasants take fall damage.
#684 opened by Claycorp - 5
Barrel crash
#683 opened by Mrthomas20121 - 3
Can't access containers in spectator mode
#682 opened by Omri100 - 2
Can't determine if horses are male or female
#681 opened by p0kes - 2
Rock blending of ores that can't generate in said rock doesn't look right.
#680 opened by UnlimatedStone9 - 1
Path doesn't support adjacent dirt
#679 opened by p0kes - 3
Brine recipe is missing bucket of vinegar
#678 opened by p0kes - 6
Add custom `Ingredient` types for rotten and non-rotten food
#677 opened by Sty2k5 - 0
cooked eggs recipe does not exist
#676 opened by Gaelmare - 1
Bookcases don't increase enchanting tables enchanting level
#675 opened by CaveAnon - 2
Tool enchanting only allows for Unbreaking enchant
#674 opened by CaveAnon - 0
Swords aren't effective against cobwebs
#673 opened by CaveAnon - 4
Vinegar making destroys unsourable alcohol
#672 opened by RiverC - 1
Bloomery textures incorrect
#671 opened by RiverC - 1
Game forgets meat is salted after cooking
#670 opened by ValueTown1 - 1
Bushes spawn on Ice
#669 opened by p0kes - 2
Glowstone can't be crafted from Glowstone Dust
#668 opened by p0kes - 4
Nether visit causes apparent loss of Skills and health/hunger/thirst bar updates
#667 opened by p0kes - 3
Add config file option for changing default month length
#666 opened by Gaelmare - 1
Calendar Config for Birthdays/Holidays
#665 opened by Therighthon - 5
SpongeForge server empty result in Pit Kiln.
#664 opened by yaroslav4167 - 1
Dough amounts are less rather than more than flour amounts when mixing.
#663 opened by RiverC