Tesla Coils

Tesla Coils


Requires Tesla API

With the introduction of the new Tesla power API, a lot of modders are jumping on the tech bandwagon, however many of them are avoiding tackling the issue of power transfer simply because conventional power cables are such a pain in the ass in minecraft.

To this end, I created Tesla Coils! An Immersive Engineering inspired way to transport your Tesla power.

Simply place a Tesla Coil on the machine you want to take power from, and another on the machine you want to insert power into, then right click both with a Tuning Tool to link them. You'll see a fancy laser linking the 2 coils, and Tesla power will begin transferring! The base rate is 20T/t, however this is configurable, and higher tiers of Tesla Coils will be coming in the future that can transfer more power.

Coming Soon:
Teslarracts - Transfer Items and Fluids too!

Higher Tier Coils - Transfer Tesla faster

You can report all bugs and issues, as well as making suggestions by clicking the "Issues" link at the top of the page

Want your ideas to be incorporated into Tesla Coils or any of my other mods, or just want to support my work?
Feel free to pledge to me on Patreon