- 1
Substratum support
#3 opened by F4ndroid - 3
Crash when machine attached to coil is broken
#2 opened by F4ndroid - 2
Tesla changed their modid
#7 opened by LlubNek - 1
Unable to transfer power to Tesla consuming TechReborn machines
#4 opened by Sethgoldfox - 4
Crash when linking Tesla Coil attached to a Solar Panel
#5 opened by Sethgoldfox - 1
Crash when connecting relay to a normal connection
#6 opened by erindal - 2
Not finding dependency
#8 opened by LemmaEOF - 1
Crash at launch
#10 opened by LotuxPunk - 0
Crash when linking a tesla coil to a coil that no longer exists
#11 opened by LemmaEOF - 4
Crash when connecting any two types of coil.
#12 opened by davidgarland - 0
Tesla freeze!
#13 opened by JammerFTW - 3
crashed when connecting two tesla coil
#14 opened by alpha8196