crash on startup
Biviho opened this issue ยท 6 comments
crash on startup after adding thaumtweaks.
tested in a chonky modpack environment, i can test it in a smaller one if needed, but it may take some time
It was a huge headache and Im still not sure why LagGoggles was breaking my class loading lol. Try the latest build from curseforge please.
I'm not sure it has something to do with lag goggles, i was using them together some versions ago, then removed during the development, but i will check it as soon as i can
Edit: i mean that a crash with lag goggle for my experience usually has nothing to do with lag goggle and removing it cause crash with something else
The crash you sent is 100% caused by LagGoggles. If there are any other conflicts with the rest of the mods, I will try to fix