- 0
Golem infusion only works on thaumcraft vanilla recipes
#44 opened by FSynchro - 1
Server Crash
#22 opened by mxnmnm - 6
crash on startup
#23 opened by Biviho - 8
[Feature Request] Any Thaumcraft file name (Incompatibility with Bansoukou)
#24 opened by Krutoy242 - 21
[Suggestion] Pech Tweaks?
#26 opened by Handeril - 4
Infusion Void Metal recipe - is it intended?
#25 opened by Krutoy242 - 0
[Suggestion] Warp tweaking
#32 opened by shoverno2 - 3
[Suggestion] Arcane Crafter + Workbench Charger compatibility
#27 opened by Krutoy242 - 3
[Suggestion] Tweaking the Theorycrafting minigame
#28 opened by Vapaman - 0
[Suggestion] Champion Mobs
#29 opened by Turkey9002 - 8
[Bug] Void Robe cleaning warp debuffs
#30 opened by shoverno2 - 12
[Suggestion] Theorycrafting accepts items from adjacent containers
#31 opened by Vapaman - 1
[Suggestion] finishing crafting mechanics
#33 opened by shoverno2 - 6
[Bug] Tinker's Evolution incompatibility
#34 opened by TrashboxBobylev - 5
[Bug] "Buffed armor" cannot be turned off properly
#35 opened by Vapaman - 0
[crash] game crashes whenever a void siphon is loaded
#36 opened by safwe69 - 4
Runic shielding doesn't benefit from Astral Sorcereries runic shielding increases on perk tree with thaumtweaks installed
#37 opened by Daddybodd - 6
[Looking for Help] Pech Crash
#38 opened by Handeril - 1
[Crash] Loaded void siphon crashes the game even if the config is turned off.
#39 opened by xxXCuriositykilledthecatXxx - 0
[BUG] "Buffed armor" turned off cause all the chargable item can't charge
#45 opened by KELETU66666 - 5
Possible bug: accidental 32k Vis in all vis-changed chunks
#40 opened by Krutoy242 - 0
[Bug?/Improvement] Workbench charger does not attach to arcane crafter.
#41 opened by bluegreen1024 - 0
[Bug] If vis in chunk drops below requirement then rises again, arcane crafter does not restart until player interacts with it.
#42 opened by bluegreen1024 - 0
Void siphon tweaks and thaumic augmentation integration
#43 opened by TabakaSIM - 1
ThaumTweaks creates bugged Warded Jars
#46 opened by xJon - 5
Arcane crafting table inserts items in wrong order.
#1 opened by reworks-org - 3
Built with mixin version too high.
#2 opened by reworks-org - 8
thaumtweaks issue: crashes
#4 opened by JosephGallagher2001 - 6
Golem can't start infusion
#3 opened by Dayyer1 - 2
[Suggestion] More config options
#5 opened by Uub112 - 5
Crash on Startup
#6 opened by Orinai - 0
Crash upon startup
#7 opened by Unhook - 3
[suggestion] a bunch of suggestions
#8 opened by Biviho - 2
Right-click harvesting crops causes a crash
#9 opened by Mario90900 - 1
Unable to attach labels
#10 opened by Hyxaru - 1
Suggestion: Give Lapis a source of praecantatio
#11 opened by Rapid418 - 1
Suggestion: Outerlands
#12 opened by John0Smith - 2
(Really weird) Breaker Seal/Golem, can't break jars, within End dimension
#13 opened by Hyxaru - 2
Primal crusher not respecting/using configuration option set to false
#14 opened by Hyxaru - 3
Incompatibility with Bewitchment 1.12.2 - (thaumtweaks
#15 opened by hamzasarrat - 2
Arcane workbench automatically completes the crafts
#16 opened by alphaNumeric01 - 1
"Tweak crafts" removing modded Infusion crafts
#17 opened by Krutoy242 - 2
Arcane Workbench cause significant lag (according Lag Goggles)
#18 opened by Krutoy242 - 1
[question] Is there any chance to add infusion altar tweaks to config file?
#19 opened by TabakaSIM - 0
[suggestion] some more suggestions
#20 opened by Biviho - 1
Arcane workbench no longer works
#21 opened by DowlingR