Runic shielding doesn't benefit from Astral Sorcereries runic shielding increases on perk tree with thaumtweaks installed
Daddybodd opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Sorry, but this is most likely not possible. ThaumTweaks and Astral Sorcery both try to patch the same class (thaumcraft.common.lib.events.PlayerEvents), so only one can apply. I will think about what is possible here, but this type of incompability is hard to deal with
Thank you!
If you can find literally any fix, even if it involves removing sections of the mod, I would be grateful. I just use the ability to change pech trade and the buffed armor.
will think about what is possible here
Option to not patch Runic Shielding at all from ThaumTweaks side would be acceptable.