[Looking for Help] Pech Crash
Handeril opened this issue ยท 6 comments
So, this is currently a bug in my modpack, which is currently making Pechs [Peches?] basically crash the game.
These are the logs:
As a note, I do have LolASM and Thaumic Speedup installed in the modpack, but the mod author of those mods has stated that it's likely a Thaumcraft (itself) thing, and this is the only mod that touches how Pechs work (per my suggestion).
I'm wondering if there's a way to fix this crash on my end, if it's something with ThaumTweaks that could be fixed, or if the bug "goes even further beyond" where it can't be fixed.
Are you sure the crash happens because of ThaumTweaks? The error basically says that 2 different things were accessing pech's ai tasks at the same time in the same tick. I only touch a static object of pech trading interests, no ticking involved.
By the way your pech trades config is wrong. 'Item "thaumcraft:candle_ping" does not exist!' is written in the log.
Would there be a way for me to specifically see what? [Some sort of debug flag or something]