- 1
Command /Summon Missing Texture (1.20.1)
#98 opened by Blaze442-1 - 12
Nightmare Fix 1.19.2
#99 opened by Krimatoria - 5
Mobs not spawning 3.0 (1.20.1 FORGE)
#100 opened by jay213333 - 1
[Feature request] Configure structure frequency
#86 opened by zeid0ne - 1
Make Corrupted vindicators and pillagers render their hand items and armor correctly
#87 opened by betterworld-sjq - 2
1.19.2 How to prevent Acolytes from spawning in crypt?
#88 opened by KIaxons - 1
"Incarnated Evil" Abruptly Stopping While Playing
#89 opened by Hallownest - 1
Creeper glowing eyes texture is messing with my texturepack
#90 opened by Frog1en - 0
Coffins/sarcophagi turn invisible when looking to the side.
#91 opened by Bluepyr33 - 1
1.20.1 Forge 47.2.0
#92 opened by Crafty1340 - 1
1.20.1 question: Giant Mushroom
#93 opened by miraclematters - 0
1.18.2 When connected to the server, the coffin cannot be displayed
#94 opened by sweetymajo - 0
More Blocks/Items
#95 opened by windth001 - 2
1.19.2 Texture loss when interacting with the mod.
#97 opened by Krimatoria - 2
Hanged man's customization deals 1.19.2
#96 opened by BlackAures1 - 0
SarcophagusBlock error
#101 opened by someaddons - 1
[1.18.2] Duplicate variables in config files
#61 opened by Salvard - 3
Lich Boss Fight Config Customizations and UX Inquiry
#62 opened by Darkosto - 2
Lich Boss Teleport Event Does Not Always Teleport to a Safe Location
#63 opened by Darkosto - 7
the game crashed when creating the world
#64 opened by masterstar2 - 0
boss improvement
#65 opened by Sevenied - 1
1.19.4 Support?
#66 opened by Aetrnl94 - 1
Skeleton creeper spawns in Mushroom Fields biome
#67 opened by finallion - 1
Music Disc stacks to 64 instead of 1
#68 opened by finallion - 1
Altar deco block cant be brocken down
#69 opened by finallion - 2
Add a rotation to the item textures
#70 opened by SiverDX - 2
How do you remove the "Nameless Hanged" entity?
#71 opened by hobolyra - 0
Ice and fire compat
#72 opened by mxnmnm - 1
Why do you not make the GravestoneBlockEntity extend SignBlockEntity?
#73 opened by JustRed23 - 7
mod crashes on 1.20
#74 opened by Devilswarchild - 2
#75 opened by BlackAures1 - 2
#76 opened by I2pRandom - 0
1.19.2 Crash - Lich summoned in Flat World
#78 opened by BlackAures1 - 2
#79 opened by azzurasignis - 1
Broken data pack links
#77 opened by mxruben - 3
1.19.2 Server Bug (Items not showing)
#80 opened by Kixxerin - 2
Where to find Staffs
#83 opened by XavierBit - 1
1.19.2 Revenent & Ghoul Unable To Spawn
#82 opened by LifelessAmir - 1
The graveyards are not spawning
#84 opened by gsmdsintetsu - 1
1.19.2 Forge Ceramics drops not working
#85 opened by Phistandantilus - 2
How do i add compat with mca villagers and blood collection ?
#102 opened by zeid0ne - 3
Why the mod adds another dimension?
#103 opened by EvilWarriorZ - 1
[1.20.1] Ghoul and ghouling missing texture when uses /summon or spawns by spawner
#104 opened by BradClc - 1
[1.19.3] "Error: package software.bernie.geckolib3 does not exist" When building
#105 opened by Asomeones222 - 1
Texture 1.20.1 Forge
#106 opened by Krimatoria - 0
Crash on Cheat mode
#107 opened by Notlucky101 - 2
[1.20.4 NeoForge] server not starting
#108 opened by MSandro - 3
Server Crash "Feature placement"
#112 opened by Kqmu - 1
Nameless hanged doesn't accept trade offers/uninteractable
#109 opened by willlow-tree - 2
[Feature compat request] Compatibility complement with lootr
#111 opened by DanteTooMayCry