- 6
error with c2me
#649 opened by coco875 - 1
I do not know how to disable the generation of some structures in the mod (1.20.1)
#650 opened by dyrakVseti - 1
Game crashes when oppening the main menu in a superflat. mcjty/lostcities/varia/TodoQueue
#652 opened by equalisysdev - 1
How do I enable lost cities generation in an existing world? 1 19 2
#651 opened by sigmaface1 - 3
how to specify a default city type on each world generation?
#653 opened by VaporeonScripts - 4
No generating cities
#654 opened by wachu1111 - 0
changing blocks for buildings/subway
#655 opened by Bebobobo - 1
Errror loading in minecraft 1.21
#656 opened by Ital1anJ - 4
Error generating chunk minecraft 1.20.1 Forge
#658 opened by HEROBRONERM - 0
[1.20.1] It doesn't snow in certain areas of cities.
#657 opened by Dja303 - 10
Could You Please Add Horizontal And Vertical Highway?
#659 opened by KnightMithridatis - 2
Potential incompatibility? (1.20.1, Forge)
#660 opened by jettcsgo - 4
Uninstalling the lost cities mod
#661 opened by absoftware - 1
Error generating chunk: Invalid name given to minecraft:root getOrThrow!
#662 opened by BenjiLangQc - 1
Error generating chunk -10,0: null java.lang.NullPointerException: null
#668 opened by pund755 - 1
Crashing when generating single biome world
#663 opened by el-vana - 1
1.12.2 the bio_sphere is broken
#664 opened by alter2718 - 2
LostCities (lostcities) encountered an error during the common_setup event phase java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not a JSON Object: true
#665 opened by EMOR30 - 5
[1.20.1] Lost Cities Not Generating With TerraFirmaCraft World Type
#666 opened by DUDEbehindDUDE - 23
Tag Doesn't Work in 1.20.1 And Later Versions.
#667 opened by KnightMithridatis - 1
[1.21.1] Mod's block tags not working due to depluralizing of tag folder names
#669 opened by morriswmz