- 0
Uncrafting a broken recipe can give the player Barrier Blocks
#1742 opened by soup587 - 1
[1.19.2] Game crashes when entering the twilight forest
#1755 opened by tvoklov - 2
[1.18.2] Escessive tick lag in Twilight Forest
#1743 opened by Reshy - 4
Hedge Maze trees sometimes do not spawn
#1746 opened by Shedao-Shai - 2
houses underground
#1747 opened by Thunderrock424242 - 0
Portals do not respect overworld:twilightforest block ratio
#1749 opened by Tamaized - 1
[1.19.3] Hedge Mazes are sometimes missing canopy trees on entrances
#1756 opened by Shedao-Shai - 0
Lich towers generate with broken bridges
#1757 opened by ToasterStrudel95 - 5
[1.19.3] Portals delink overworld->TF when the end location is in a locked biome
#1758 opened by Shedao-Shai - 2
Portal placement issues in locked biomes
#1759 opened by ToasterStrudel95 - 0
[Suggestion] Shining a beacon gives the beam the same color noise as aurora blocks
#1760 opened by Shedao-Shai - 2
game crash?
#1761 opened by Ethan1903c - 2
Phantom Knight Boss Bar breaks when 12 are spawned
#1762 opened by Tamaized - 1
Naga boss not dropping loot.
#1763 opened by ItzMaCade - 1
Alpha Yeti spawners generating off center
#1764 opened by ToasterStrudel95 - 1
Shroom ASM broke on the testing server
#1765 opened by Tamaized - 0
[1.19.3] Game crash caused by Scepter of Life Draining
#1766 opened by Negima1072 - 1
[1.19.3] Chunk border distortions have come back once again
#1768 opened by Shedao-Shai - 4
Certain Mods break the Progression Weather Effect Renderer
#1769 opened by katattacktime - 3
Moonworms disappear when looking straight down
#1770 opened by ToasterStrudel95 - 2
[1.19.3] Client crashes in Yeti battle
#1771 opened by Maruhl - 0
Lich Clones don't disappear if they're too far
#1772 opened by Toastr125 - 0
Dark Tower keys will sometimes generate where you cant reach them, making it impossible to unlock the doors
#1773 opened by GizmoTheMoonPig - 1
[Suggestion] Gauntlet of Creation, Giant Castle, and Giant Crafting Bench.
#1774 opened by Puckuchu - 0
Naga health isnt scaling with difficulty
#1775 opened by GizmoTheMoonPig - 2
Naga not receiving damage
#1776 opened by floppacoolestflop - 4
Exception loading model
#1778 opened by StellarHarbour - 0
Knight Phantoms don't count as undead
#1784 opened by Toastr125 - 2
Sorting Tree Not Working
#1779 opened by JosiahGertz - 1
Remove mod make my world cant enter
#1780 opened by BatafuraiS - 2
failed to load correctly
#1781 opened by BookMantheGamer - 2
Visual: Tier 0 harvest level description become
#1783 opened by Deadmanovi4 - 0
Fence maze in dark towers does not reliably generate a path
#1785 opened by ToasterStrudel95 - 4
Immersive Engineering Epic Shader Bags drop directly from bosses rather than going into the boss drop chests
#1786 opened by Toastr125 - 3
[Suggestion] Configure What SkeleDruid Projectile (Nature Bolt) can turn into birch leaves
#1792 opened by TheKidThatCodes - 0
[Suggestion] Re-tag Raw Ironwood and Armor Shard Cluster
#1793 opened by Toastr125 - 3
Can't break blocks
#1787 opened by DizzeeThugg - 2
Spark profiler shows Twilight Forest using 3x CPU vs next heaviest
#1788 opened by katubug - 0
Attacking with the Scepter of Twilight does not break the rotating ring of the shield
#1789 opened by SAGA23456 - 1
Lich Shield Rendering
#1790 opened by Killer-Demon - 0
Hedge Maze Hostile Wolf Spawners don't work
#1791 opened by Toastr125 - 0
[Suggestion] Tag plants and fruits with Create: Crafts & Additions tags
#1794 opened by saltyseadoggo - 5
[1.19.2] Fireflies Don't Work in Curio Slot
#1796 opened by Flexico - 0
{1.19.2] Incompatability with latest version of JEED
#1797 opened by DelviousCrafts - 3
License unclear regarding redistribution of .jar file
#1798 opened by copygirl - 0
Uncrafting table's crafting interface does not acknowledge hotkeys
#1800 opened by ToasterStrudel95 - 1
Uncrafting table's "targeted block" outline is transparent
#1799 opened by ToasterStrudel95 - 1
Amethyst clusters do not recognize twilight forest pickaxes as pickaxes
#1801 opened by ToasterStrudel95 - 1
Several non-fleshy mobs aren't part of `#twilightforest:lifedrain_drops_no_flesh`
#1802 opened by saltyseadoggo - 1
[Suggestion] 1.18 Config option for void Twilight Forest generation
#1803 opened by pantsguyapp