The Vampire Legacies : Reborn

The Vampire Legacies : Reborn

This mod is based on The Vampire Diaries universe
Includes stuff from all 3 spin offs
When you spawn you have a chance to be spawn as any of these 3 races - Human, Werewolf, Witches
There are sub races like - Human- Psychic
                                          Witch- Siphoner, Werewitch, Siphoner Werewitch
Humans- They are the most basic of everyone, they do not count as supernatural therefore supernatual rules do not apply yo them
Witches- Spawn with a random amount of magic, Can find spells to cast in grimoires as well as spell pages, Make sure when you want to cast chat spells you enable the casting spell/chat spell keybind
~Siphoner- Witches that cannot generate magic and must instead take it from other creatures, use the siphon key to give yourself the siphon item, when you become a heretic(when a siphoner becomes a vampire) you can use the self siphon key to convert your blood to magic, you can go over your max magic amount by 5000 as a siphoner
~Werewitches/Siphoner Werewitches- In order to become a tribrid they must drink the original serum
Werewolves- buffed humans who transform under a full moon
Vampires - you can turn by drinking vampire blood or taking immortality serum
if you are an original and someone kills you, your entire sireline dies
if your friend turns you you become part of a sireline
Sirelines refer to the bloodline of vampires stared by an original, every original has a unique sireline 
Originals can be killed using white oak
Vampires can be killed using white oak, stakes, werewolf bite
Immortals of any kind must consume blood to survive
To Find immortality spells you must kill a witches, and the will drop spell pages one of all these spell pages contain the spells, probably should write it down as the paper is fragile
If a keybind say right click in the keybind section it mean you need to right click on an entity to perform it 
A grimoire can be crafted or Traded by a Librarian 
look out for werewolves they buff af 
rigth click with blood bag or left click to fill them
Whiteoak trees can be found in taigas but are rare you can spot them by the vervain around them or purple flowers