- 1
Would love to see this project come back one day
#102 opened by Dinsorsoos - 1
Some modded items are rotated 90 degrees in Vending inventory
#48 opened by OreCruncher - 0
Problem parsing "
#49 opened by OreCruncher - 1
[ALPHA] Problem parsing "ALPHA" in version string
#50 opened by OreCruncher - 1
[ALPHA] Error registering Forestry crates
#51 opened by OreCruncher - 1
Startup crash with BuildCraft 7.0.12....
#52 opened by OreCruncher - 1
[Enhancement] Config option to change where Waila information is inserted
#53 opened by OreCruncher - 0
[Enhancement] Have Thermal Recycling take into account MineTweaked recipes
#55 opened by OreCruncher - 1
OpenEye: Someone set the worm drop chance to 0
#54 opened by OreCruncher - 3
Interesting Decomposition Result - Amber Bearing Stone
#56 opened by sciguyryan - 2
Pile of Rubble & Twilight Forest
#58 opened by xirixal - 6
[OpenEye] Potential crash during initial world gen
#57 opened by OreCruncher - 3
[OpenEye] Crash when Somnia is installed...
#59 opened by OreCruncher - 1
[OpenEye] Meta data for vending machine appears to be incorrect
#60 opened by OreCruncher - 1
Thaumium boots
#61 opened by seebs - 3
Game crash with achivements with a only your mod
#62 opened by CorneliusCornbread - 3
Unable to interact with Vending Machine if using top block
#63 opened by OreCruncher - 1
[Enhancement] Control over which dimensions get rubble piles
#64 opened by OreCruncher - 9
Problem with agaricraft
#65 opened by CorneliusCornbread - 2
[Enhancement] Immersive Engineering Support
#66 opened by Sasikaa - 2
[Enhancement] Soylent Green drop from players
#67 opened by Crumbology - 3
[Enhancement] Make Agricraft seeds compostable
#68 opened by OreCruncher - 5
Strange interaction with Progressive Automation
#69 opened by Bomber57 - 3
[Enhancement] Enable Server Vending Machines for single player
#70 opened by pip69 - 2
Diamond sword recycling
#71 opened by Staegrin - 1
ThermalRecycling - Unable to use extraction core
#72 opened by GarradStacey - 4
Crash with Dragon API
#73 opened by medsal15 - 2
OpenEye: NPE in handling fluid sync with Composter
#76 opened by OreCruncher - 4
[Enhancement] Use Forge Ore Dictionary to assign scrap values
#75 opened by zhs2 - 2
Repairing an energy cell with scrap gives a creative energy cell
#77 opened by kaikue - 1
[OpenEye] NPE in LRU cache lookup
#78 opened by OreCruncher - 15
Waila tooltip seems incorrect for the vending machine
#80 opened by mrammy - 3
[Enhancement] Configuration for tooltips
#79 opened by NotGyro - 6
Vending Machine doesn't display some items
#81 opened by Goju-Sulfam - 2
[Enhancement] Forestry 4 Compatibility
#82 opened by mrammy - 2
[Enhancement] Create log in logs directory
#83 opened by mrammy - 1
[Enhancement] Dump rubble loot table to log file
#84 opened by OreCruncher - 11
Annoying Rubble Stacking
#87 opened by DrakoAlcarus - 1
[OpenEye] getLoadedEntityList() a client side only method
#90 opened by OreCruncher - 1
[Enhancement] Ability to use wrench to break machine blocks
#88 opened by OreCruncher - 1
Able to rotate vending machine that is not owned by player
#89 opened by OreCruncher - 5
IC2, MPS Support?
#91 opened by sciguyryan - 1
[Enhancment] Irritating Thing with Recycler; + Idea
#92 opened by DrakoAlcarus - 0
[Enhancement] Modular Powersuits support
#94 opened by OreCruncher - 19
Change quantities of item used when scrapping?
#93 opened by Darkosto - 7
[] Inventory tooltip crashing on BCA canister
#95 opened by mrogaski - 2
[Enhancement] Add a Blacklist for Vacuum Enchantment
#97 opened by DrakoAlcarus - 19
Crash with IC2 Classic
#98 opened by parcel31u - 2
[BUG] "Cheat" with Thaumcraft + Automagy
#100 opened by spannerman79 - 0
Flashing WAILA When A Lot Of Items Are In A Pack
#101 opened by Darkosto