Tool Leveling+ [Forge]

Tool Leveling+ [Forge]


Tool Leveling 

This is the Forge-Version of the mod, the Fabric-Version can be found here click me

how it works:

  • craft the Tool Leveling Table
  • put an enchanted item in the first slot
  • put enough payment items in the slots below
    • higher enchantment levels will require more items / items with higher worth
    • click on the enchantment to upgrade



GUI since mod-version 1.2.0:

multiple items are allowed as payment items, and their worth can be changed through the configs

ToolLeveling GUI

old GUI:

only one item is allowed as payment item (by default Netherite Ingot, but it is changeable in the config)


old recipe and table design: 

recipe before modversion 1.3.0

older recipe

 * any enchanted book will work 


design of the Tool Leveling Table before modversion 1.3.0

old table design

if you have any questions about the mod, or you want a few insights about upcoming features:

feel free to join my   Divider   link