- 1
[1.17.1] Enchantments can't be leveled higher than level 255
#18 opened by tristankechlo - 1
Dedicated server crash on startup
#19 opened by Sixdd6 - 1
Update Item-Values to 1.18
#21 opened by tristankechlo - 1
Free upgrades for creative players
#22 opened by tristankechlo - 3
Enchantment Value
#20 opened by Xaikii - 7
[Feature]: bring back the old way mod to 1.20.1 please
#44 opened by D13DG - 1
Support wildcard in enchantmentBlacklist
#24 opened by tristankechlo - 3
Config sometimes resets for no reason
#25 opened by toffi3 - 21
Is it possible to add tools from another mod ?
#26 opened by gragonfire242002 - 1
Filter while parsing item values
#27 opened by tristankechlo - 2
[Fabric] Breaks server side lang entries.
#28 opened by frikinjay - 7
Server showing menu.PreparingSpawn instead of Preparing Spawn Area
#29 opened by gamerpotion - 1
Minimum enchanting level
#30 opened by tristankechlo - 2
tool leveling has failed to load correctly: forge 41.0.98
#31 opened by krjencik - 2
Project E enchants please
#33 opened by domshi - 1
Make table inventory larger
#34 opened by alimoncul - 2
Port Request 1.19.4 fabric
#35 opened by Awdeen - 5
Cost calculation problem
#36 opened by MixhizoR - 4
Forge 19.2 - Adding Mats and Block
#38 opened by xd4rkzghost01 - 2
1.20 Port
#37 opened by NattoRiisa - 2
[Feature]: Add more config options
#39 opened by DocAndrei - 5
can't add more items
#42 opened by Alucard987 - 0
[Feature]: Allow the ability to increase the stack size for the special items section
#43 opened by NattoRiisa - 1
[Bug]: Enchanting a book not turning into enchanted book
#46 opened by FextraBlitz - 1
enchants including vanilla ones are infinite
#2 opened by FullMetalMaster - 1
And how to change the resource in the config if it is encrypted
#3 opened by HIKARUMO - 1
Add config option to change numeric display back to roman numerals
#4 opened by jengendler - 2
Multiple Ingredient Cost
#5 opened by Gridfreelancer9 - 2
Where is the config file/how can I change the mod's settings?
#6 opened by JosephGallagher2001 - 1
Allowing defaultItemWorth to be 0
#7 opened by Schummel-8 - 1
Different upgradeCosts for different enchantments
#8 opened by Schummel-8 - 2
How can I change the configuration of the mod ?, when I try and save it nothing happens and it stays the same.
#10 opened by alvaroG02 - 2
In config possibility of enchantments whitelist instead of blacklist.
#9 opened by zanecek - 0
Can't find config
#11 opened by Zereus023 - 2
Still no DefaultItemWorth: 0 possible on the latest version
#12 opened by Schummel-8 - 1
ability to add modded items as payment items for tool levelling.
#13 opened by HopsandBarley - 1
Ingame info for item values
#14 opened by tristankechlo - 0
Change formula for upgrade cost through config
#15 opened by tristankechlo - 3
Can't put anything in the enchanting slot [MC 1.17.1 / FML 37.0.17]
#16 opened by General-Radek - 6
Upgrade cost isn't incremented by 300
#17 opened by DisplayPort