- 0
fluid storage output BUG
#49 opened by ztllllll - 1
Unaccessible backpack
#50 opened by Extil - 1
inventory rendering issue with transparent backpacks
#46 opened by touhouzun - 1
rendering issue with better hud
#47 opened by touhouzun - 0
1000mb potion drinking issue found
#48 opened by touhouzun - 1
Galactic Craft and travelers backpack(Can't see backpack)
#51 opened by KingChris2019 - 2
Player on Server Crashing with FLUID GUI
#52 opened by voidswrath - 0
(Feature request) Hide backpack when elytra is equipped
#54 opened by futurenp - 0
Fixed Korean Language file
#53 opened by yor42 - 10
[Feature request] Including a Furnace into the BackPacks
#56 opened by VincentLongiug - 3
Dupe glitch in multiplayer
#57 opened by futurenp - 1
Grafical Inventory GUI bug at the second hand slot
#55 opened by PercyCreeper - 1
You can add support for Tough As Nails?
#58 opened by Abo233 - 1
wont open
#59 opened by anonymus411 - 1
[Bug] Issues tab on the Curseforge page goes to the wiki instead of the issues page
#60 opened by DWX12 - 1
Equipped Backpack drops with Gravestone Mod.
#61 opened by AllinOneDave - 5
Backpack invisible and stuck on back after reload
#62 opened by Xaneas - 1
doesnt work with mobends
#63 opened by LunuiarChaos - 0
Won't load in Forge
#64 opened by TwstyFox1 - 0
Can this mod be used to copy things in server?
#65 opened by fdy17 - 1
Crash when joining server
#66 opened by kellixon - 0
Hose in Spill Mode causes blocks to disappear
#67 opened by OneTwoMint - 0
#68 opened by momingdd - 1
Items stored in crafting grid cause massive lag and occasional crashes
#72 opened by lgnmcrules - 2
Dupe bug
#73 opened by oSoQuick - 1
This mod conflicts with the Mo' Bends mod.
#74 opened by abo2029 - 1
- 1
Minor Conflict with Carry On Mod
#76 opened - 1
tank with sub 1000mb liquid level deletes buckets
#77 opened by tastesliketriangle - 1
Packet 0/27 (CPacketCreativeInventoryAction) was larger than I expected
#78 opened by AukeSteenman - 3
not compatible with emoticons mod
#80 opened by Leo9404 - 2
Fluid-item relationship recipes to allow for user-managed compatibility with all modded fluid items
#81 opened by floral-qua-floral - 0
Wolf Backpack's ability make players disconnect on Server.
#82 opened by joelou1 - 0
skeleton traveller's bp
#83 opened by ZooLeeichi - 0
Traveller's Backpacks breaks serialisation of loot tables it edits
#85 opened by Daomephsta - 1
Dupe with shearing in Refined Storage crafting grid
#86 opened by nathanenns - 2
[Feature Request] Sleeping in the bed should set-spawn (Forge - MC1.12.2)
#87 opened by Pingu-Pox - 1
[Feature request] Configurable tank sizes
#88 opened by bodlosh - 1
If change the world, the backpack will not be able to open
#89 opened by qiujunhan - 2
Copy item label:bug
#90 opened by qiujunhan - 1
Emnpty bucket disaper
#91 opened by assasin172 - 0
play with pixelmon mod, the backpack not render
#93 opened by ColaLiao - 0
Missing texture when used with the Carry On mod created by Tschipp
#92 opened by NickSakadakis - 6
My backpack disappeared
#94 opened by TPL2008 - 0
[Feature Request] The gold ingot works as a lock.
#95 opened by xevilredx - 1
- 0
Nyan Backpack ( Rainbow Backpack ) doesnt play the song/music on sprinting
#97 opened by rvveber - 2
Crashes with Bewitchment
#98 opened by sdrawkcabkcaj - 1
(Suggestion) Trash can
#99 opened by TheMightyMcGrew - 7
Player Spawnpoint ambiguity
#100 opened by AechtRob