Uncle Jeff's Anystone Walls

Uncle Jeff's Anystone Walls


Originally built using MinecraftForge 1.7.2 (b 1121). Tested in both SP and MP. Tested again using 1.7.10 (b 1180) SP & MP client-server. Version 1.7.10-00.01.05 is a rebuild against 1.7.10 (b 1180) with no changes, now running with Forge build 1614. Upgraded to 1.8 and tested both SP and true client-server (Forge build 1450 & 1577).

Now upgraded to MC 1.8 (read carefully for differences)...

In 1.7, he recipes were predictable conversions from material blocks to walls. Example: The quartz wall took 6 quartz blocks to produce its 6 (chisled texture) quartz walls. Regardless of material, v1.7 walls all have the same hardness and blast res.

In 1.8, new materials have been added. Some (Glass, Cobble and MossCobble) have vanilla recipes that are 3-wide by 2-high, so the recipe shape is now 3-high in the middle column (all blocks), yielding 7 walls. New for v1.8, some materials are extra hard, some soft, and blast res varies (but not as much as for full blocks).

Not only that, but some now glow in the dark! (Glowstone and Sea-Lantern are full brightness; Netherrack and Endstone are still dim enough for monsters to spawn.)

In all versions, the iron gate recipe is like a fence gate, but it uses iron ingots in place of sticks and iron bars in place of planks. The iron gate is a harder, more blast-resistant fence-gate (and requires a pick to break it).
Variants in both 1.7 & 1.8:
Stone-brick Wall
Mossy Stone-brick Wall
Cracked Stone-brick Wall
Chiseled Stone-brick Wall
Brick Wall
Hard Clay Wall
Netherrack Wall
Quartz Wall
Obsidian Wall
Sandstone Wall
Chiseled Sandstone Wall
Stone Wall
Variants new in v1.8:
Polished Granite Wall
Polished Diorite Wall
Polished Andesite Wall
Cobble Wall
Mossy Cobble Wall
Hay Wall
Prismarine Dark Wall
Prismarine Brick Wall
Quartz Ore Wall
Iron Wall
Red Sandstone Wall
Red Chiseled Sandtone Wall
Glass Wall
Glowstone Wall
Sea Lantern Wall
Diamond Wall
Emerald Wall

Variants new in mc 1.10.2:

Chiseled Purpur wall
Smooth Sandstone wall
Lapis wall
Purpur Brick wall
Endbrick wall
Magma wall
Netherwart wall
Netherbrick wall
Bone wall
Oak wall
Spruce wall
Birch wall
Jungle wall
Acacia wall
Darkoak wall
Chorus Flower wall

In mc1.7, my walls "stretch" toward vanilla cobble walls, but the vanilla mc walls would never reach back to connect (nor do they connect to my iron fence-gate). In v1.8, the Anystone Walls include their own imitation of cobble and mossy-cobble so you can join with other walls and the gate (but none will be recognized by true vanilla walls).

New in mc 1.10.2: Purpur is finally textured with (chiseled) purpur instead of lapis. Lapis joins the 3rd wall set on its own.

Look for other "Uncle Jeff's" mods here at CurseForge. If you notice any "bugs" or conflicts (or have anything else helpful to say), then please leave a comment so I can make this and my future mods better.  :)