Uncle Jeff's Anystone Walls

Uncle Jeff's Anystone Walls

Etched Sandstone

Etched Sandstone

The two types of sandstone walls
Gate in Brick

Gate in Brick

The iron gate, shown in a red brick wall.
Four Stonebrick types

Four Stonebrick types

Walls in the four textures of stonebrick
Nether Quartz

Nether Quartz

Netherrack and Quartz walls. Though the quartz wall uses the chiseled texture, it takes ordinary quartz blocks in its recipe.
Night Torches

Night Torches

Yes, torches attach to these new walls.
Mind the Gap

Mind the Gap

Though the new walls "reach out" toward vanilla walls (normal and mossy cobble), the cobble doesn't reach back. This leaves a small gap, which might be good or bad depending on where you put it.