- 8
UnEarthed Crashes Server on Startup
#5 opened by Cluelesshobo - 3
Lacking Stone Tools
#7 opened by Slydragon05 - 2
Sandstone Ores
#8 opened by legendaryWalter - 1
Granite, Diorite and Andesite not generating
#9 opened by defenestrationdude - 0
Unearthed crashes mc
#10 opened by K0-RR - 3
It doesn't work with the latest version of forge
#12 opened by simonjonnemeth - 2
Bug? Slate, Marble and Limestone cannot be used to craft tools.
#13 opened by K0-RR - 0
Update to Fabric Loader 0.10.5
#11 opened by K0-RR - 5
[Suggestion] Make ores drop into their vanilla/base mod variant
#14 opened by Excederus - 1
latest unearthed does not allow for world creation
#17 opened by kuroyure - 2
[Major Bug] Ore variants hardness is higher than vanilla
#18 opened by Dimerite - 6
Error stating mod designed for older version
#15 opened by Rayzilla68 - 5
Unearthed {Fabric 1.16.3-16.4} Tag Request
#16 opened by litjohn50 - 1
Unearthed 1.0.5 MCV 1.16.2/1.16.3 crashes dedicated server Forge 1.16.3 build 34.1.42
#20 opened by kreezxil - 3
Error during load 1.16.4
#19 opened by cyberpunkbln - 2
[Bug] - [Fabric] incompatibility with wildworld
#22 opened by SylisMC - 1
Stonecutter slabs only produce 1 slab per block
#23 opened by AzureMonument - 2
Alternate biome blocks create obvious seams at chunk borders
#24 opened by FewerFlaws - 2
Mountains generate a layer of stone on top of unearthed replacements
#25 opened by FewerFlaws - 3
All ores can't be smelted
#26 opened by Golden-King05 - 2
[Fabric] unearthed:someblock does not exist. Defaulting to stone!
#28 opened by K0-RR - 1
Broken icon tag and missing issues tag in the fabric.mod.json file.
#29 opened by K0-RR - 0
[Fabric] Creative tab missing translation [en_us]
#32 opened by saltyseadoggo - 1
Crash when theres puddle on trapdoor (LAN)
#35 opened by AbiHerobrineYT - 0
Puddles have a collision.
#33 opened by K0-RR - 1
[Feature request] Puddles should spawn when it's raining.
#34 opened by K0-RR - 3
Server Crash Caused by Lichen
#36 opened by IAmSneak - 0
[Feature Request] Config for puddles and lichen
#37 opened by IAmSneak - 10
Lichen replaces blocks in the ground
#38 opened by saltyseadoggo - 0
Mining level for lapis lazuli ores is incorrect
#39 opened by saltyseadoggo - 2
Failed to handle packet when stepping in puddle
#40 opened by IAmSneak - 0
Some blocks use side texture instead of bottom texture
#41 opened by saltyseadoggo - 0
en_gb translation for 'Chiselled' instead of 'Chiseled'
#42 opened by saltyseadoggo - 1
More configuration options and Lichen replacing blocks
#43 opened by moeux - 4
I have a Fabric minecraft server and it crashes becuase of Lichen
#44 opened by NolanJCarr - 0
Mining regular iron/gold ore with Silk Touch doesn't give the original block
#45 opened by Naxdar - 3
Top of coal ore is not coal?
#46 opened by AzureMonument - 1
Grass doesn't spread from vanilla grass blocks to regolith
#47 opened by saltyseadoggo - 1
[Crash/Loading Failed] "Mod Loading Failed" Screen says there was an error in the load_registries phase.
#48 opened by Corvus20 - 1
No way to get smooth stone?
#49 opened by MilkMan1776 - 2
Lichen has a solid collision box
#50 opened by saltyseadoggo - 6
Iron ore variants don't respect Fortune enchantment
#51 opened by saltyseadoggo - 1
Iron ore variants cannot be ground by tech mods' grinders because of missing c:iron_ores tag
#52 opened by saltyseadoggo - 1
Github releases page is missing the latest jars.
#54 opened by K0-RR - 0
Wrong path to the icon file.
#56 opened by K0-RR - 1
Fabric server crashing due to Lichen Block
#57 opened by omoflop - 1
Lichens delete blocks
#59 opened by MopsTMC - 0
Puddles don't have loot tables
#58 opened by MopsTMC - 1
[enhancement] option to disable ores in config
#60 opened by lag42 - 0
Update to Gradle 7
#61 opened by K0-RR