- 6
[1.16.5] [1.5.7] Server datapack appears to not work, but works on client-side
#158 opened by antibang - 4
#157 opened by Tyrius1 - 2
mod conflict
#156 opened by XLB9363 - 1
Interaction causes crash
#155 opened by jpschandorff - 2
mod crashes on launch with citadel
#154 opened by vulture-bone - 2
Cage Trap Shulker Issue
#153 opened by ehinners - 1
Improved Spawning 1.18
#152 opened by Tyrius1 - 2
Hungry Carnivores!
#151 opened by Tyrius1 - 2
MC crashed after rightclick event on entity
#150 opened by Exclustor - 1
#149 opened by Buckmenstar - 1
Rhino and hyena taming/breeding item is air - untamedwilds-1.18.2-2.1.2
#148 opened by theyellowdin0 - 1
- 2
Snake Hitbox
#146 opened by Tyrius1 - 1
Bug; Clicking on mobs/taming to tame crashes game.
#145 opened by Haelis - 1
Please give some information about mob breeding/taming in the patchouli book.
#144 opened by AnasterianSunstrider - 1
Big Cats names not being displayed properly when using Jade mod (HWYLA fork)
#143 opened by carlstrax - 1
Suggestion for overhauling or replacing vanilla cows,sheep,pigs, chickens and wolves with your models and mechanics.
#142 opened by DigitalWendigo - 0
MC 1.18.2 (UW 2.1.2) Ignoring some configuration settings
#141 opened by Lilwhiteshark - 19
#140 opened by DigitalWendigo - 2
#139 opened by Buckmenstar - 1
Tamed big cats don't sit or follow when right clicked - untamedwilds-1.16.5-1.5.6
#137 opened by theyellowdin0 - 1
STILL can´t Tame any Animal
#136 opened by Punkpikachu - 1
Crash on client when right clicking animals
#134 opened by Naelim - 4
Overload of sharks??
#133 opened by riverablue - 1
Blacklisting Dimensions
#132 opened by KeyesArc - 1
i have this mod on my server but it keeps crashing me
#131 opened by Evilteen18 - 1
How can i breed these mob
#130 opened by shaaaak - 3
How can i get love potion?
#129 opened by shaaaak - 0
Improved bigcat anmations
#128 opened by SharkGuy123 - 3
Crash untamedwilds-1.18.2-2.1.2
#127 opened by BlackAures1 - 5
**Crash on client when right clicking a mob with a item in hand**
#126 opened by Cataraxts - 2
Config Options to Disable Animals do not work
#125 opened by Peach774 - 2
No config options
#124 opened by Zerb7 - 8
[1.16.5] [1.5.4] Servers do not work at all.
#123 opened by Cixon - 0
Hitbox fixing.
#122 opened by Subthy - 2
Tarantula extermination suggestion.
#121 opened by Subthy - 1
Manatees just keep spawning
#120 opened by Mooge123 - 1
Sounds of Boars can be heard right next to the player despite them being several blocks away.
#119 opened by DigitalWendigo - 2
Can't Tame Mobs 1.16.5
#118 opened by aeddog - 1
I cannot tame any animals either im not sure whats the cause. I cant even feed them there favorite food.
#117 opened by SkinneyMcKinney - 2
cant tame any animals even babbies
#114 opened by jackowacko14 - 2
cant tame any animals
#113 opened by jackowacko14 - 3
[1.18.2] Mobs spawn on leaves
#112 opened by Peach774 - 1
Updated 1.18.2 Version fails to load on server
#111 opened by Daihok41 - 0
java.lang.exceptionininitializer error: null
#110 opened by Plopkus - 1
Right-clicking a tarantula crashes the game.
#109 opened by Lemonmito - 1
Hippo moves slowly
#108 opened by SharkGuy123 - 0
Big cat jump attack only (1.18.1)
#107 opened by SharkGuy123 - 1
#106 opened by DarkLordFG - 1
Mobs can eat food thrown by players
#105 opened by SharkGuy123