213,264 Mods
Rain Collector (Water Generator)
69 DownloadsCreates water source blocks in the rain
Fixed Enchanted Apple [Forge]
69 DownloadsFixing Enchanted Apples for Minecraft!
Better Tags
69 DownloadsAdd better tag loading format.
69 DownloadsMakes your world border RGB.
Useful Craft Recipes (40)
68 DownloadsIn this mod I will add 40 new crafting recipes
Only Coins
68 DownloadsA way to add Economy to your server!
Recall Scroll
68 DownloadsA simple recall scroll I made for my server
That More Apples
68 DownloadsThis mod add so much new Apples to enhance your gameplay!
New Utilities
68 DownloadsA new biome, ores, items, advancements, and tools
Red Star's Craftable Name Tags
68 DownloadsAllows the player to craft Name Tags
Drop Keybinds
68 DownloadsSimple client side mod that adds more keybinds for dropping items!
Additional Items By GunSmoke428
68 DownloadsThe Additional Items mod adds new ores (Obscurite & Aetherium), tools, a press table for crafting doors, a bone meal gun, hemp plants, custom paintings, music discs, and more! Plus, a new creative tab and keybind for easy recipe access. BETA VERSION.
Chronicles of Olympus
68 DownloadsOriginal Mod created for SMP Chronicles Olympus.
More Commands [FORGE]
67 DownloadsA simple mod, that add a lots of commands!
magolor's Currency [Forge and Fabric]
67 DownloadsA simple mod that adds coins to the game!
Toggle My Tooltips
67 DownloadsConfigure the held item tooltip to your desire.
Offlawn! Reborn
67 DownloadsA revival of the classic Offlawn! mod, adding a few new blocks and plants for garden aesthetics..
Monsters containment unit ( MCU )
67 DownloadsThis mod allows you to create containment units to put tipets ( mob ) there to use their powers.
Structure Saver
67 DownloadsStream-lined structure export without block limit
Desmithing Table
67 DownloadsThis mod lets you desmith netherite items to their diamond counterparts.