Vanilla Cubed

Vanilla Cubed



A vanilla+ style mod, that improves already existing features of the game and expands them through new mechanics!



New gear and improved Smithing Table

Currently, the smithing table doesn't have too much use-cases in the vanilla game. It's main purpose is to upgrade diamond gear to netherite. Vanilla cubed solves this issue, by adding new types of gear, that can be crafted using the upgrade mechanics of the smithing table. The new types of gear are:

  • Ancient gold
  • Amethyst
  • Enderite
  • Dragon Scale

Each type of armor and each toolset has an advantage over the over ones, so there's no best one! Additionally, most gear sets have special effects like increased attack range.

Improved Tridents

Tridents are obtained as a random drop from a Drowned. Because this mechanic is not that great, Vanilla Cubed improves this. Tridents can be crafted using Elder Guardian Shards, which are obtained as a drop from Elder Guardians. Additionally, tridents can be upgraded just like tools and armor sets! Currently there are 2 trident upgrades:

  • Enderite
  • Netherite

To improve the ranged attack of tridents, there is the new Hurling enchantment, that increases the damage of a thrown trident.

Utility items

  • Enderite Powder: An item that teleports the player to their spawn location.
  • Gilded Books: Books that have a way higher enchantability than regular books.
  • Amethyst Compass: A compass that points towards the nearest structure.

Small Tweaks

  • Reworked Totems of Undying: Totems will activate from any inventory slot, so you don't have to waste the offhand slot


  • Improved Beacons
  • Better Phantoms
  • More uses for Copper
  • Sculk Armor


  • Ratz_Borkopf. Textures for the ancient gold armor (modified)

fabric-badge kotlin-badge