Vanilla Cubed

Vanilla Cubed


A vanilla+ style mod, that improves already existing features of the game and expands them by adding new mechanics!


Smithing Table Improvements

The smithing table gets more uses with 4 new types of diamond upgrades - Amethyst, Ancient Gold, Enderite and Dragon Scale! Each type gives the player unique effects, making each of the upgrades unique. The default Netherite Upgrade also receives some changes. Tridents can also be upgraded.

New Beacon Tier System

The Beacon tier system gets replaced with a new system, that gives iron, gold, emerald and diamond individual upgrades. Each material represents an upgrade category, providing 4 different upgrades each.


New utility items like gilded books, Enchantments like the Hurling Enchantment and status effects like Reach also get added. Existing features like tridents receive some small overhauls.