Villager Tweaks

Villager Tweaks


This mod doesn't add new blocks or items, but adds a collection of small features on the regular game. Every feature can be disabled at your choice, in the config file.

Villager Tweaks Banner

Features so far:

  1. Zombie Villagers drops emeralds (15% chance + 5% per looting level);
  2. Adult Villagers can me named using Name Tags;
  3. Witches can spawn on swamps at new moon nights (removed on v2.0 since vanilla added it);
  4. Zombies can rarely drop feathers (5% chance);
  5. Iron golem skin displays how damaged they are;
  6. Named pumpkins creates named (iron and snow) golems;
  7. Villagers that gets zombified keeps their custom name and profession - 5 new zombie skins to match!
  8. Zombie villagers that gets cured will keep their custom name and profession;

This mod is open source, under GPL v3.0 license, the source code is hosted on GitHub.