Villager Tweaks

Villager Tweaks


Villager Tweaks

Minecraft Mod. Adds small tweaks mainly related to Villagers.

For bug reports, suggestions or feedback, please use the Minecraft Forums.


  1. Zombie villagers may drop emeralds
  2. Villagers can be named by shift-clicking with a name tag
  3. Witches can spawn on swamps at new moon nights
  4. Regular zombies may drop feathers
  5. Iron golem skin displays how damaged they are
  6. Named pumpkins creates named (iron and snow) golems
  7. Villagers that gets zombified keeps their custom name and profession - 5 new zombie skins to match!
  8. Zombie villagers that gets cured will keep their custom name and profession

Project Links


v2.0 and up -

v1.0 for Minecraft 1.6.2 -

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