- 0
loading a world with fastload, makes the game stuck in screen mode
#274 opened by fayer3 - 0
Modern UI uses actual window size, instead of vr size
#273 opened by fayer3 - 2
I can't to start VR mode
#272 opened by bmd070 - 14
Can't get game to display in headset on Linux.
#271 opened by CaptainD54321 - 0
redirect conflict with Spyglass Improvements
#270 opened by fayer3 - 3
Vivecraft mutes pc audio then crashes
#269 opened by KuraakaiGoro - 8
little tiles conflict
#268 opened by fayer3 - 13
Vivecraft overrides GUI scale set by other mods
#267 opened by caoimhebyrne - 4
Compatability with Iris + DH
#266 opened by Halowigeds - 5
FPS loss when window is focused
#265 opened by RedstoneGithub - 1
VR hud scale issues with the radial menu and keyboard
#264 opened by fayer3 - 2
make invalid path error more clear how to fix
#263 opened by Diamondminer1Y - 8
Vivecraft items appear in Everycompat's creative tab
#262 opened by rafaelkai - 0
Horse movement is inconsistent with other forms of movement when using controller freemove
#261 opened by kevina - 20
Controlling a horse via the reins lack visual feedback.
#260 opened by kevina - 3
Why is the latest release marked as incompatible with Sodium on modrinth?
#259 opened by kevina - 3
Vivecraft and Embeddium non compat crash
#258 opened by YukiRainee - 0
Allow X Rotation to be Set by `/tp` (and API Call)
#257 opened by hammy275 - 2
Image stops being sent to the headset when joining a server with a custom resource pack
#254 opened by Ryhon0 - 0
Cut Through causes the cursor to get stuck on grass or leaves
#253 opened by fayer3 - 4
Vivecraft instantly crashes Minecraft!
#252 opened by TinyDerp - 11
Option to decrease brightness below 0?
#251 opened by kevina - 0
redirect conflict with controllable on forge
#250 opened by fayer3 - 21
Option to only enable weapon collusion for swords?
#249 opened by kevina - 4
Crash when using Sodium 0.5.8
#247 opened by MarijnIsN00B - 2
Vanilla shaders affect the vivecraft gui
#245 opened by kesakat - 0
Exordium causes hud changed to be ignored
#244 opened by fayer3 - 2
Incompatibility with Embeddium
#243 opened by Daldwin - 1
[FEATURE] Flat screen mode
#242 opened by Beethoven-n - 11
Pokecube Compatibility
#241 opened by DarianLStephens - 2
Radial menu set only switches when offhand points too
#240 opened by fayer3 - 4
Climb claws do not fling player.
#239 opened by kadincool - 2
Doesn't support Apple Silicon (aarch64) Mac
#236 opened by caoimhebyrne - 1
Bedrockify causes menuworld fail
#235 opened by fayer3 - 9
When hot switch to VR mod Game Crashed on Debian Linux Bookworm
#234 opened by ShulkerSakura - 0
May be worth considering altering/replacing Harry Potter reference in default configuration
#233 opened by floral-qua-floral - 2
Incompatibility with Sodium 0.5.4 [1.20.2]
#231 opened by semjon00 - 1
Iris colorspace setting breaks "after shader" gui rendering
#229 opened by fayer3 - 1
add file path checks to all files submitted to steamvr
#228 opened by fayer3 - 3
Remake arm rendering to remove the elbow joint + other limb-related ideas (such as tracker support, FPM fix)
#227 opened by Truemudkip - 1
Swapping main hand in the skin settings doesn't work right
#226 opened by fayer3 - 0
First person arms incapable with custom model mods
#225 opened by Moon-404 - 1
[Journeymap] First item in hot bar flashes rapidly when near portal in the nether
#223 opened by Techjar - 0
blockoutline setting aparantly not working
#220 opened by fayer3 - 6
MFFS erases the visual gui
#217 opened by Link-Jon - 2
When holding a lead in seated or NULLVR mode, the lead attaches directly to the user's face.
#213 opened by Andy608 - 0
Canvas crashes the game with a shader loaded in VR
#210 opened by fayer3 - 1
Origins Arachnid Roomscale Climbing Issue
#209 opened by ma-gician - 0
When using an item, that opens a storage gui, the gui opens on the looked at block
#201 opened by fayer3 - 1
Minimizing the game window breaks menu crosshair
#198 opened by fayer3