VPN Blocker

VPN Blocker


A small server-side mod based on Block VPN 2.1 Spigot plugin, which blocks VPN connections with server.

The mod is fully compatible with Forge, SpongeForge, Magma (and other hybrids) and it does have an option to change the VPN block message sent to the players with a VPN.

This is a ServerSide only mod!

In update 1.1.0 you can add Nick, UUID or IP of players to GreenList so they can go through anti vpn checking.

The file is generated in the main server folder like a WhiteList.

As i'm only a beginner and i'm not too on top, i have for you little votting, about versions on which you the most wanna see this moddification: https://www.strawpoll.me/20694763




Try out my other mods:
- Simple Flashlight Port
- World Defender
- GroundOres
- DGWeapons

Or join to my Discord server: https://discord.gg/JAgyak99mt


This mod can be used without problems on a public Minecraft server.