World Defender

World Defender


World Defender is world protecting mod. It is a modded equivalent of WorldGuard plugin. To work it need to be on Server and Client side.

If you want world protecting mod for newer version of Minecraft, use WorldProtector mod or new working fork by Zordak: [LINK].

This mod is designed to protect designated areas from selected actions. The available list of flags is below and it will still grow.

If you have an idea for a new flag, leave a comment.


/worlddefender or /worldfend or /wdf

Needed permission:

- Server OP (lvl 4)

How to create a region and add flags into it:

Creating regions:

1) Take the "Region Wand" from Tools tab in creative mode,

2) Mark 2 points diagonally (like in WorldGuard),

3) (Optional) Type "/wdf expand-vert" to expand region vertically,

4) With "Region Wand" in hand type the "/wdf rg define <regionName>" command.

Adding flags:

1) Type "/wdf flag list" command to get all flags list,

2) Type "/wdf flag add <regionName> <flagToAdd>" command to add flag into region

Main help:

Regions help:

Flags help:

Flags list (v1.0.0):

In version 1.1.0:

- added "farmland-trample" flag

Flags notes:

Try out my other mods:
- Simple Flashlight Port
- GroundOres
- VPN Blocker
- DGWeapons

Or join to my Discord server:


This mod can be used without problems on a public Minecraft server.