WATERMeDIA: Multimedia API

WATERMeDIA: Multimedia API


Fork java-youtube-downloader

SrRapero720 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Currently JYD uses Alibaba fastjson, which uses a lot of odd stuff arround services (including Javax)
Forking requires replace FastJSON with google GSON, which is on all Minecraft versions and is "lightweight"

rids off Alibaba fastjson


Thios was done...
now forked JYD uses gson instead of fastjson

minimal changes are done


Applied + backported


JYD is a amazing tool but i preffer have my own tool that i can understand and experiment, current JYD is having troubles that we can't fix and code structure is not following our specs

will be removed after we finish making our own tech, so fork to use GSON will be not necessary anymore