API-Library providing multimedia support using LibVLC, used by Minecraft mods like VideoPlayer. Designed to be used in pure Java and Minecraft environments using MinecraftForge (NeoForge) and Fabric (Quilt).
our API provides an extra layer of VLCJ MediaPlayers making easier player management,
async task and concurrency.
Custom URLFixers
to provide support of platforms like YouTube, Twitch,
Kick.com, Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, Imgur, Twitter and PornHub.
WATERMeDIA can be loaded in any MC version in range of 1.12.2 ~ 1.20.x and outside Minecraft using the proper dependencies.
IMPORTANT: we only support the most popular versions of Minecraft.
Version | Forge | Fabric | Quilt | NeoForge |
1.16.5 | 🚨 | 🚨 | 🚨 | 🚫 |
1.18.2 | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | 🚫 |
1.19.2 | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | 🚫 |
1.20.1 | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
1.21.x | ! | ! | ! | ⚠ |
✅ - SUPPORTED ||| ⚠ - PLANNED ||| ⛔ - NOT SUPPORT ||| 🚫 - N/A ||| 🚨 - DROPPING
You can use two ways to install this mod in your project
CurseMaven uses CurseForge network to download any released version even if it wasn't approved. This option doesn't include JavaDoc or Sources, so all stacktrace doesn't going to match with your decompiled bytecode checkout what is the latest version file ID here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/watermedia
repositories {
maven {
url "https://www.cursemaven.com"
content { includeGroup "curse.maven" }
dependencies {
// doesn't require fg.debof() or any debofuscation tool
implementation "curse.maven:watermedia-869524:latest-version-file-id"
JitPack.io is a third-party tool to build and distribute artifacts
using direct GitHub tags or branches
This option includes JavaDoc and Sources
Check all available versions here
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
// doesn't require fg.debof() or any debofuscation tool
implementation 'com.github.SrRapero720.watermedia:build:<version>'
Our API is based in pure JAVA, except video decoding; we use VideoLAN for that. It requires VideoLan (libVLC) binaries to load and use video features.
We feature on Windows x64 a pre-installation of VLC in our JAR, so they don't have to download it manually. But some OS+Arch requires manual installation of VLC, and others aren't supported by VLC limitations.
Ensure your OS is supported in this list.
Linux users: check https://www.videolan.org/vlc/#download
Operative System | Support status |
Windows 7 ~ 11 (x64) | ✅ |
Windows 7 ~ 11 (x32) | ❎ |
Windows 10 ~ 11 (ARM) | 🚫 |
MacOS (x64) | ❎ |
MacOS (Apple Silicon) | ❎ |
Linux (x64) | ❎ |
Linux (ARM) | ⛔ |
- ❎ LIMITED: Needs manually VLC 3 installation
- 🚫 NOT COMPATIBLE: Only in VLC 4 (support planned in 3.x)
- ⛔ UNSUPPORTED: we do not provide support
- WATERFrAMES - Version using: 2.0.x
- VideoPlayer - Version using: 2.0.x
- LittlePictureFrames - Version using: 2.0.x
- NightmareCraft - Version using: 2.0.x
- SrRapero720 - Mastermind
- NGoedix - Mastermind
- zenoarrows - Buffer Eater
- cyyynthia - Deadlock hunter
Important: All libraries are relocated and wrapped using shadowJar. You can skip our API and directly use
all native libraries... highly no recommended. Find it all onme.lib720.libraryname
note: those are not shaded
- commons-io
- jna
- jna-platform
- gson
- log4j-api
- log4j-core
- commons-lang3